5 Livestreams That Flew Off The Rails Completely

That whole live and uncut thing doesn't always end well.
5 Livestreams That Flew Off The Rails Completely

Streaming has evolved from some barely working fad to, well, pretty much how we receive 90 percent of our content. And we're not just talking about Netflix either, because there's a good chance that you're reading this article whilst someone blathers in the background about video games or makeup tips or both at the same time, live and uncut.

That whole live and uncut thing, though? It doesn't always end well.

A Shouty Twitch Streamer Gets Arrested ... And Viewers Watch As His Apartment Gets Robbed

In order to make it big as a streamer, you've gotta have some personality. Otherwise there's a realistic chance you'll lose your audience to a channel specializing in showing paint dry. Just don't have too much personality. Streamer Mr_13ig (pronounced "Mister Thirteenig" we're assuming) found this out in 2015, when a particularly rowdy stream landed him in trouble with his neighbors ... and then the police, who didn't agree with his apparent God-given right to treat the apartment building like a karaoke bar.

His sovereign citizen schtick didn't stop when the cops showed up, and it escalated somewhere between him refusing to give his name and talking about the baseball bat / firearm collection he keeps in his apartment. This ended as you'd expect, with 13iggie Hardballs getting taken downtown to the confused delight/sadness of his audience, because the stream was still running.

After the cops put cuffs on 13ig, they took the time to close his apartment up -- although clearly not very well, because minutes later (at 10:30 in the video above), the stream was enlivened by Mr_13ig's neighbor entering the apartment and stealing his shit, which included a wallet, headset, and shoes. The mods monitoring the stream immediately called the cops, who busted the neighbor and recovered the stolen goods. Mr. 13ig was himself released a few hours later, although his dignity was not recovered.

Waaait, the "13" is a "B"! Very c13v3r.

A Charlottesville March Organizer Get BTFO'd Live By His Dad

It's hard to post a positive spin on the recent rise in violent far-right activity, but we'll try. The increasing white supremacist bullshit we see on the daily means that over time, there will be more and more footage of white supremacists crying like babies, running away in the face of organized counter-protests, and all-around being made to eat turd sandwiches by a just Universe -- or a father who merely wants to nap in peace.

Enter Jason Kessler, the human skid mark responsible for the now-infamous 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville -- the one where an anti-fascist counter-protestor was murdered -- and the less-famous 2018 Unite the Right 2 rally in D.C., where only a couple dozen racists decided to show their terrified faces. Back in June, Kessler was livestreaming with another white supremacist, Patrick Little, when someone started yelling at him to, quote, "get outta my room." After Little asked if that was a drunk roommate, Kessler confessed that not only was he back living with his parents, but he was also streaming from his father's bedroom (presumably he didn't want the internet to see his anime figures and Offspring posters). And Dad wanted it back.

In a follow-up video, Kessler explained that the numerous lawsuits fired at him following UtR decimated his finances, to the point where he had no choice but to retreat back to his family, despite deeming them "cucked" by the History Channel and the liberal media establishment. That's right, in a media environment wherein any right-wing asshole can make it rich by tapping into thinly veiled racism and sounding off more dog whistles than a racetrack, this asshole failed.

An Uber Driver Turns His Passengers Into Streaming Fodder, Finds Out That's Kind Of A Dick Move

In this economy, it's necessary to not only have a side gig, but also a side gig to your side gig. But as (now-former) Uber driver Jason Gargac found out, you have to be smart about it, or else you may wind up on the receiving end of some pretty damning reviews both of your service and your moral code.

Gargac was an Uber driver operating in Missouri, and by all accounts, he was pretty good at it -- meaning he wasn't starving or living out of his car like everyone else on the app. Still, he decided to supplement his income by wiring his car for sound, installing a series of cameras, and streaming his exploits (OK, mainly his passengers) to an audience of hundreds. Isn't this kind of illegal? Nope, not in Missouri! Is it kind of shitty, though? Oh hell yes.

When Gargac started out, he would tell people about the cameras, but he eventually stopped because he considered the results too "fake" and "produced." Instead, the budding auteur would only tell people if they asked about the cameras -- which many wouldn't, because he put up a sticker saying that they were being recorded for security reasons. Yeah, financial security reasons.

As you'd expect, Gargac's cameras broadcast information that most normal people wouldn't want out there, such as their names, addresses, and oh god their conversations, including smack talk about partners, friends, family members, and bosses. These were the tasteful streams, too. Gargac admitted that he liked driving late-night weekends because drunk people made for more exciting streams, typified by him both repeatedly broadcasting people throwing up on his backseat and having to install a plugin to blur out passengers' crotches after a partygoer accidentally flashed the camera. That's always the moment you know you've made it as a streamer.

After the story about his stream broke, Gargac was immediately banned from Uber and Lyft, leaving him in need of a new line of work. If you live in Missouri and ever decide to order out, maybe check whether the delivery guy is wired with a bunch of cameras, is all we're saying.

A BBC Talking Head Seriously Regrets Not Locking His Office Door

The best thing about working from home is, well, it's hard to narrow it down. Everything is a breakfast food, pants are optional, you can take meetings in bed, and the only real rule is that there are no rules. That is, unless you've got kids, in which case the only rules are 1) make sure to take appropriate meds to keep from losing your mind watching the same five episodes of Paw Patrol, and 2) lock your office door when you're busy or, we don't know, interviewing with one of the biggest news organizations in the world.

Back in March of 2017, Robert E. Kelly, a political science professor at Pusan National University, was briefing the BBC when one of his children entered the room and started bounding toward him like she was 20 deep. Fun fact: If you watch his face, you can spot the moment when he mentally screams "Oh fuuuuuuuu ..."

Before he could diplomatically deal with this child, a second child -- this time a baby in a walker -- crashed through the door like the sugared-up offspring of the Kool-Aid Man. They were followed shortly by Kelly's wife, who dashed into the room and grabbed the two adorable creatures with the same level of force typically witnessed during SWAT raids. Both children were extracted, the study door was closed, and Kelly began finishing up the interview and mentally preparing to be told that his services were no longer welcome at Auntie Beeb.

(As you might have heard, the clip went mega viral, and the family was soon deluged with interview requests -- a fame crescendo that reached its inevitable peak with MC Swagger's kindergarten deploying a security guard.)

A Man Accidentally Streams His Wife Giving Birth On Facebook Live

When Facebook isn't hoarding your data in order to sell you T-shirts or help elect shitgoblins, it's broadcasting it to the world willy-nilly, thanks in part to their byzantine system of privacy settings that more closely resemble a labyrinth of yore than the apparatus of one of the world's most powerful corporations. So when Kali Kanongataa, a resident of Cali, decided to livestream and narrate the process of his partner giving birth to their child via Facebook Live for the benefit of his family in Tonga, he probably thought he had that shit locked down tight. Because, well, you would, wouldn't you?

He did not.

All in all, his stream was watched more than 120,000 times, which is approximately 120,000 more times than anyone giving birth ever wants to be seen. Midway through the broadcast, Kanongataa realized his mistake and considered stopping the recording ... but then decided to press on, figuring "There's a lot of negative stuff on Facebook and so I thought this would be positive." A nice thought, but maybe next time consult the person whose nether regions are being broadcast across the web?

Anyway, hopefully he banked some of that positivity for later. In the aftermath of his viral fame, Kanongataa launched a series of lawsuits against media outlets such as NBC and ABC, alleging that they owed him money for airing part of his videos (at most, 30 seconds). These lawsuits were eventually struck down, because fair use is a thing. The court also awarded $120,000 in legal fees to the broadcasters, because even though Kanongataa argued that a full fee award could bankrupt him as "a person of limited means," he didn't present any evidence for this, and the judge had no choice but to bury him. Remember, our reality is just one big Black Mirror episode.

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For more, check out 24 Times Live TV Went To Hell As The Cameras Kept Rolling and The 3 Most Baffling Dick Moves In The History Of Live TV.

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