30 Behind-the-Scenes Horror Facts That Aren’t All That Scary

Making movies is terrifying in a different way
30 Behind-the-Scenes Horror Facts That Aren’t All That Scary

Horror movies are designed to be watched in the dark, breathless with anticipation for whatever supernatural murder could possibly befall the characters — and hopefully not you once you leave the theater and have to keep living with the movie’s images in the back of your brain. The thing is, though: Making a horror movie is pretty similar to making any other kind of movie: You have a script, you have actors, you have a fussy studio, you have special effects and you have any number of things that can go wrong between pre-production and the release of the movie. 

Here are some of our favorite behind-the-scenes facts about some of our favorite horror movies — and thankfully they arent, mostly, all that scary in and of themselves, they’re more about the general horror that comes with a high-stakes workplace… 

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