34 Behind-the-Scenes Horrors That Hollywood Fat Cats Wish Had Stayed Behind-the-Scenes

Hey, Hollywood, keeping secrets usually requires a lot less video evidence!
34 Behind-the-Scenes Horrors That Hollywood Fat Cats Wish Had Stayed Behind-the-Scenes

It’s somewhat comforting that complete monsters like Harvey Weinstein, or Hyde from That ‘70s Show, were unable to hide behind their power within the industry. But sadly, so many “Golden Age of Hollywood” monsters came and went unscathed. Some are even still revered here in 2023, despite being “canceled” years or decades ago — lookin’ at you, Roman Polanski. Some of these wildly unsafe, immoral or downright illegal practices were pulled off with complete disregard for human life. Let’s just say we’re glad someone stepped in with safety regulations, and thank god for unions.

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