32 Stats and Facts About Money That May or May Not Make You Crazy

32 Stats and Facts About Money That May or May Not Make You Crazy

Wait, all “paper” currency is actually made of what?!?! To hold their bricks of cash together, Pablo Escobar’s cartel spent how much on rubber bands?!?! Of course, we know the answers; the emphasis was added for your benefit. All you need to do to get on our level is keep scrolling a little bit. 

What, you thought we’d just tell you now, so you can move on to some other site?! Sorry bucko, this is a two-way street. If you’re as committed to this relationship as we are, here are a whole wack of incomprehensible stats and facts about the greenery…

In 1923, hyperinflation caused German currency to lose, almost all of its value. It became so worthless that people gave it to children to play with or used it as wallpaper. CRACKED.COM


It cost $4 million to give Shrek a Scottish accent Mike Meyers originally gave the character a Canadian accent but switched a Scottish accent after a rough cut was already made. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED COM ESS OFAN L 36837861 Q 12 NA+ 12 You are wealthier than 15 percent of American households if you have at least a dollar in your pocket and no debt.


The smartphone industry spends about $10 billion a year on suing over, and buying, patents. 400 430g 440 440g as 4500 752al 752g 12 PO 75222 an-r Excation no Aug Bultfood Basic UA-DI NEL 410 Quick Connect THE SINCE 990 Christina Holand 1130 NG 951-7 0% DE 20 из tes : 750 251 Screenshot cactured 1018 Tough : ver you Emily Clarke 0452 PM Bello Today box г Special m on s Connected 35 2 media devico Touch to other 153 adidas $54005 DE concern 75202 7520 75004 75201 POR 450g 450 That money could launch four Mars Rover missions a year.


Scientists think Bitcoin alone could push global temperatures above 2°C. That could happen by 2033, according to a study that looked at the power efficiency of BTC mining machines, their locations, and the CO2 emissions of those locations. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Two-thirds of Americans will struggle to come up with $1000 for an emergency. Those who make less than $50,000 a year have it worst with around three-quarters finding it difficult. Among those who earn more than $100,000 a year, approximately 38% stated that it would be difficult even for them to scrounge up that amount. CRACKED COM


Think Tiger Woods is the richest sportsperson in history? Then you are wrong. Introducing Gaius Appuleius Diocles a 2nd century champion Roman charioteer... who in his 24 year long racing career amassed winnings of 35,863, 120 sesterces which is equal to $15 billion in todays world. CRACKED.COM


GRAGKED.COM You only need to make $33,000 USD per year to make the cut for - the richest Global 1%.


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