Weird World
5 Things It Turns Out You Were Right to Hate About School
Science is just now taking a closer look at these centuries-old school practices, and they're finding out that, hey, they weren't really helpful.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans
- Published
16 Stats That Sound Made Up (But Aren't)
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 5 Weirdest Things That Can Cause You to Be More Racist
- Authors
- By David Rose
- Published
Cracked Round-Up: Life's Greatest Question Edition
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
The 5 Creepiest Foreign Versions of Disney Fairy Tales
It seems these tellers put their own little twists on the tale. Their insane, gut-wrenching, nightmarish twists.
- Authors
- By Jeffrey Crawford
- Published
5 Despicable Things People Do for Good Online Reviews
There's a few things you should know about that 'unbiased' review you're reading.
- Authors
- By Sammy Trujillo
- Published
5 True Stories That Will Make You Believe in Karma
Rarely do you see the literal Bitch-Slapping Glove of Justice descend from the skies to smack somebody in the mouth for being a jerk.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Logan Trent, Josh Hrala, Rich Solomon
- Published
20 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 11)
It's time again for our most popular feature, in which we take photos that have made millions of Internet users scream 'FAKE!' and prove that they are, in fact, real.
- Authors
- By Joe Russo
- Published
The 5 Most Baffling Tactics in the War on Terror
The War on Terror has been underway for over a decade now, and we aren't likely to see the end of it anytime soon. And, man, things are getting desperate.
- Authors
- By Scott Pearson
- Published
23 State Mottos (Revised for Statistical Accuracy)
States tend to focus on the positive and ignore the negatives when it comes to the slogans they print on their license plates and state signs. We asked you to make them more informative using the power of internet research and image manipulation.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Insane True Stories More Badass Than Any Action Movie
Movies are incredibly unrealistic when it comes to portraying everyday people defending themselves against crime. After all, when you look at real-life stories of self-defense, you realize their depictions are far, far too tame.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood
- Published
The 5 Most Secretly Badass Countries
Thanks to Hollywood and NPR's foreign correspondents, most of us think we have a good idea of how each country's military works. But there are some countries that never turn up in war movies or video games that you still wouldn't want to mess with.
- Authors
- By Steve Kolenberg
- Published
The 5 Most Frequently Misused Proverbs
Many of these phrases don't mean what we think, and the meaning has gotten lost precisely because they're so confusingly worded.
- Authors
- By Robert Hall, J. Wisniewski, Chris Snipes
- Published