Weird World
5 Terrifying Ways Police Can Legally Screw You Over
In America, the courts have again and again given the police all sorts of leeway to royally screw up your life for almost no reason at all.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson
- Published
20 Totally Wild Interpretations Of American Culture
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 WTF Works of Art That Required an Insane Amount of Effort
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
5 Incredible Sensory Superpowers You Didn't Know You Have
- Authors
- By XJ Selman
- Published
25 Otherworldly Subcultures (Right Here On Earth)
With billions of people existing together on this planet, those with quirky habits tend to find each other. And then things get kind of weird.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Things Movies Get Wrong About Swords (An Inside Look)
This is the closest Cracked will ever get to actual journalism.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Chris Farrell
- Published
6 Nerd Culture Stereotypes That Are Way Older Than You Think
Unless your concept of a 'nerd' is a Depression-era newsie shooting pre-YouTube fan trailers, you might be surprised to learn that nerd culture has existed for way, way, way longer than you think.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
9 Extreme Versions of Things You Loved as a Kid
Sit back and let your inner child scream with jealousy.
- Authors
- By R. Jason Benson, Ivan Farkas
- Published
5 Real People Who Were Mistakenly Declared Dead
It seems like trying to convince the world that you're still alive is almost worse than just rolling over, taking one for the team, and politely dying.
- Authors
- By Robin Warder
- Published
The 5 Biggest Disasters in the History of Marketing (Pt. 4)
If you misjudge your audience, your million-dollar advertising campaign can wind up costing you much more. These people didn't get that memo.
- Authors
- By Pat Carnell, Evan V. Symon
- Published
5 Survival Stories Too Miraculous to Be Real
Death will claim every one of us. But some of us don't go down so easily.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Eric Yosomono, Josh Hrala, Monstroso Yojimbo
- Published
The 5 Most Insane Ways People Survived Animal Attacks
The following folks not only went up against some of Mother Nature's most dangerous killers and managed to survive, they did it by doing stuff action heroes would scoff at.
- Authors
- By Mark H.
- Published
5 Classic Children's Books With Horrible Hidden Messages
We're not saying these books are definitively bad for your kids, or that these messages are intentional. We're just saying, 'Waaaiiiit a minute.'
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published