Weird World
5 Real Criminals Betrayed by Their Own Big Mouths
As difficult as it can sometimes be to catch a criminal, it's even harder to get a conviction. Unless, of course, your suspect publicly broadcasts their crime.
- Authors
- By Mark H.
- Published
6 Tales of Amazing Survivors (Who Were Babies)
- Authors
- By Cornelius Heyer, Alan Boyle
- Published
6 Tiny Computer Glitches That Caused Huge Disasters (Part 2)
- Authors
- By Andrew Heaton
- Published
5 Horrifying Places Real People Got Trapped and Forgotten
If you weren't claustrophobic already, this article might do it for you.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Ivan Farkas, Hillery Alley
- Published
8 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Happened (Pt. 2)
The following coincidences are very well-documented, otherwise there's no way in hell we'd buy any of this crap.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Robin Warder, Chan Teik Onn
- Published
5 Shocking Human Rights Abuses You Don't Expect to See Today
It's shameful that we held onto these human rights abuses for as long as we did.
- Authors
- By Andrew Marinus, Alan Boyle, A.C. Grimes
- Published
6 Shockingly Brave Kids Who Make You Look Like a Coward
Sometimes the only people who can step up to save the day aren't even old enough to drive.
- Authors
- By Aaron Granger
- Published
The 40 Most Insane Easter Eggs Ever Found
Think of this as our obsessive love letter to the obsessed maniacs responsible for all of this.
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers
- Published
5 Insanely Huge Things You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
We're starting to get the feeling that every engineer's life goal is to make something really, really huge.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published
5 Iconic Pop Culture Moments That Weren't in the Original
Without these disrespectful bastards taking liberties with the sacred sources, we wouldn't have these iconic scenes.
- Authors
- By Ian Ury, Ryan Menezes
- Published
6 Shockingly Childish Abuses of Power by Airport Employees
SPOILER ALERT: This totally happens all the time.
- Authors
- By A.C. Grimes
- Published
7 Spectacularly Crazy Lessons Taught by Real Teachers
The following teachers were either completely nuts or just having really off days on the job.
- Authors
- By Chris Fox, Anthony Dannar, A.C. Grimes
- Published
14 Famous Creators' Weird Fixations
We all know that creative minds tend to be into some pretty weird things. But it turns out that if you look close enough, some of those fixations are all up in their works.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 5 Most Incredibly Detailed Replicas Ever Made by Fans
For whatever reason, a popular means of expressing one's enthusiasm for a piece of pop culture is to look at said thing and ask: 'What if this was the size of a hamster village and made out of something completely stupid?'
- Authors
- By Niko G
- Published