Weird World
6 Ghosts Who Solved Their Own Murders
Being the ghost of a murder victim must be so frustrating.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
5 Jaw-Dropping DIY Costumes (Made By Regular People)
- Authors
- By Tiago Svn, Zanandi Botes, Alyssa Feller
- Published
6 Real People Who Cheated Death In The Craziest Way Possible
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
13 Uncomfortably Real-Looking Paranormal Photos And Videos
Hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Horrifying Urban Legends That Actually Came True
We tell ourselves that the chilling tales we hear online and around the campfire can't be true, because we like being able to leave the house without collapsing into a broken ball of anxiety. But it's time once again to pop that little bubble of self-deception.
- Authors
- By Nathan Birch
- Published
Your 20 Creepiest (Totally True) Stories
Your lives are way creepier than we suspected.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 15 Most Idiotic Monsters In Dungeons & Dragons History
Stranger Things has made Dungeons & Dragons cool again, even if the show does take place in an era when playing it meant risking getting your head shoved into a toilet.
- Authors
- By Tyler Linn
- Published
5 Murder Mysteries That Were (Almost) Too Insane To Be Real
Sometimes you stumble upon a mystery and set about investigating, only to find that every aspect is weirder than the last. It's like if at the end of a Scooby-Doo episode, Velma tore off the monster's mask and saw her own face staring back.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton
- Published
6 Utterly Terrifying Unsolved Mysteries No One Can Explain
The world is full of bizarre, gruesome crimes so baffling and creepy that the only one-liner the investigators would muster up is
- Authors
- By Robin Warder
- Published
26 Completely Self-Defeating Ways You React To Problems
Acting rationally in the face of a problem is almost certainly a superhero ability.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Photos Of Nature (That Are Scarier Than Any Horror Movie)
In case you needed a reminder, Mother Nature is still the undisputed queen of horror.
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas, Laura H
- Published
6 Ways Being A Kid In The Past Was A Complete Nightmare
With parenting styles like these, it's amazing we were able to progress as a species.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears
- Published
6 Horrifying Parasites (That Could Be Inside You Right Now)
Warning: Gross pics contained within.
- Authors
- By Lee Anne
- Published
19 Ding-Dong Slogans For Popular Products
Some brands could do for an update on their slogans.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published