Cracked Archive - Video Games

Cracked Archive - Hilarious observations all about video games, including the easter eggs you missed, and secrets that programmers and game designers don't want you to know.

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5 Video Game Movie Adaptations (That Missed the Point)

Video games based on movies are almost universally terrible, we all know that. But sometimes they go beyond just being terrible video games and actually manage to completely undermine the entire point of the property they're adapting.

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5 Classic Games You Didn't Know Had WTF Backstories

A lot of classic arcade games have straight-forward, logical plots that drive them: Turtle dragon stole your woman, stomp mushrooms until he gives her back. That's cool; we're on board with that. But some of these other classic, seemingly self-evident games actually hid madness and dementia behind their fun, childish veneers.

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