Video Games

The 6 Most Absurdly Difficult Video Game Puzzles
Here are the men responsible for the thousands of innocent deaths of video game controllers.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
5 Prejudices That Video Games Can't Seem to Get Over
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published
The 6 Most Insane Video Games About Dating
- Authors
- By Mark Hill, Dustin Koski
- Published
6 Japanese Video Games That Will Make Your Head Explode
- Authors
- By Miles Bacchus
- Published
The 5 Ballsiest Easter Eggs Hidden in Video Games
If you're reading this, the odds are good that you 1) hate your job and 2) can't really do much about it. But if you, say, were working on a project that would be seen by millions of people, then you could get creative about expressing your displeasure.
- Authors
- By Claire G., M. Asher Cantrell
- Published
6 Acts of Real-Life Heroism Made Possible by Video Games
Video games might actually be good for something after all. But remember, games are neither good nor evil -- it's all in what you do with them.
- Authors
- By Mike Cooney, Eddie Rodriguez, Steve Hanley
- Published
A Modern Game The '80s Wouldn’t Have Been Able to Survive
Some inventions come too late, and some would have collapsed the economy if they'd come any earlier.
- Authors
- By Fatawesome .com
- Published
7 Classic Video Games That Are Older Than You Think
If your game does something innovative that shapes the industry, we will remember it forever. Scratch that, someone else will do it and bury yours.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Jim Avery
- Published
The 7 Dumbest Video Game Innovations That Actually Exist
Here are the ridiculous video game innovations nobody asked for, and yet somebody went ahead and made them real.
- Authors
- By Steve Blair
- Published
The 8 Creepiest Glitches Hidden in Popular Video Games
Is it simply lines of code, or demonic possession? You be the judge.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok, M. Asher Cantrell
- Published
6 Baffling Early Prototypes of Your Favorite Video Games
Imagine an alternate reality where Mario is packing heat, Link looks like Wolverine and Halo games are all about strategy instead of shooting aliens in the face.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Steve Rosenburg, M. Asher Cantrell
- Published
6 Arcade Games Too Awesome to Get Released in the West
The East didn't stop making crazy ass games. They just stopped shipping them west.
- Authors
- By Nick Dobkin
- Published
5 Video Game Movie Adaptations (That Missed the Point)
Video games based on movies are almost universally terrible, we all know that. But sometimes they go beyond just being terrible video games and actually manage to completely undermine the entire point of the property they're adapting.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published
7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs You'll Wish Were Never Found
Video game Easter eggs can be a fun way to motivate players to continue exploring a game they've completed ... or they can be terrifying experiences that make sure the players never go near that game again. These ones fall in that latter category.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok, M. Asher Cantrell
- Published
5 Classic Games You Didn't Know Had WTF Backstories
A lot of classic arcade games have straight-forward, logical plots that drive them: Turtle dragon stole your woman, stomp mushrooms until he gives her back. That's cool; we're on board with that. But some of these other classic, seemingly self-evident games actually hid madness and dementia behind their fun, childish veneers.
- Authors
- By Steve Blair
- Published