Science & History

The 6 Most Amazing Military Raids of All-Time
Just a handful of men can change the world. Particularly if those men are highly trained and heavily armed and possess next to no instincts for self-preservation. These are the soldiers whose job is to fling themselves into impossible situations, against ridiculous odds, where failure means a lot of other people will die.
- Authors
- By Tony Pilgram
- Published
8 Filthy Jokes Hidden in Ancient Works of Art
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- By Tom Lagana
- Published
The 6 Most Disturbingly Evil Birds
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- By Monte Richard
- Published
5 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Make Kids Smarter
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- By Sam Sprinkle
- Published
5 Forgotten Revolutions That Created The Modern World
We may never have had 'Darling Nikki' if it hadn't been for some world-changing movements everyone promptly forgot about.
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- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
6 Impossible Escapes Using Impossibler Methods
As we never get tired of pointing out, when you combine desperation, perseverance, ingenuity and giant balls, wonderful things happen. This is proven by these tales of men who found themselves in hostile territory with no chance of escape ... and just fucking escaped anyway
- Authors
- By Tony Pilgram, Cornelius Appin, Drew Miller
- Published
6 Terrifying Predators Routinely Owned by Adorable Prey
Apparently, when creating the nastiest animals on Earth, Mother Nature decided that they were each going to have an embarrassingly adorable nemesis to regularly knock them down a few pegs.
- Authors
- By Tom Hohle
- Published
The 6 Most WTF Moments From Shakespeare Plays
Apparently, Billy Shakes was one of the most insane, violent, out of left-field wackos who ever picked up a pen.
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- By Craig Thomas
- Published
6 Tricks That Let You Control Animals Like The Beast Master
Evolution has afforded every animal in the world the tools perfectly designed for its survival, whether it be claws, venom, horns, or whatever it is that cockroaches have. But every once in a while evolution makes a mistake and leaves a totally useless trait in an entire species. That's bad news for them, but good news for us, as it can be amusing
- Authors
- By Kevin Forde
- Published
6 'Wuss' Behaviors That Were Once Badass Survival Instincts
You might not realize it, but some of the behaviors that get you swirlied today were survival strategies that kept you alive thousands of years ago.
- Authors
- By Kristi Harrison, Dennis Hong
- Published
6 Uneducated Amateurs Whose Genius Changed the World
Now, we're not telling you not to get an education -- everybody knows employers these days want a degree. But we'd be remiss if we didn't take a moment to celebrate some of the amazing achievements from people who had virtually no education at all.
- Authors
- By John Champion
- Published
7 Mind-Blowing Vehicles Built and Driven by Animals
We've already pointed out that animals are capable of building pretty impressive cities, but at least they're not driving around the streets in little beaver sedans and amassing armies of spider war-jets, right? Horribly, we're not too far from that reality, either.
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- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
6 Personality Quirks You Didn't Know Were Medical Conditions
Your weird quirks don't make you a quirky snowflake. They make you a medical textbook entry.
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- By Andrew Martin
- Published
The Science Behind Stupidly Hot Peppers [CHART]
The Scoville hotness scale ain't got shit on us.
- Authors
- By John Larwood
- Published
The 5 Strangest Ways Your Mind Can Get Your Body Sick
The brain can fool the body into thinking it's sick, complete with physical symptoms. And we're not talking about bullshit symptoms like headaches, either.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published