Science & History
Thirty Years of World Politics (as Explained by Grainy Pizza Hut Ads We Found in the Attic)
If you want to know about recent history, don't peruse the state archives, look at a hoarder's VHS collection.
- Authors
- By Nathan Williams
- Published
Don't Panic: 14 Facts About Douglas Adams
- Authors
- By Shea
- Published
13 Incredible Now-You-Know Facts About Russia
- Authors
- By Andrea Meno
- Published
Why is Summertime Sadness a Thing?
- Authors
- By Oona O'Brien
- Published
13 Ways Humans Aren't Like Other Animals
Oh, you think you're special? Well, you scientifically are.
- Authors
- By Shea
- Published
4 Words You're Using Wrong (Because Of The Bible)
You're using words wrong, wrong, wrong. Luckily, God is merciful, and we're happy to explain things for you.
- Authors
- By Ryan Menezes
- Published
4 Respected Groups That Seem Sure That Aliens Are Coming
Aliens are coming because it's just kinda that type of decade. There's been nine other Apocalypses, why not get this one over with too?
- Authors
- By Tara Marie
- Published
How The Evil Clown Archetype Got Started
The trope might feel new, but it has its origins in the 1800s.
- Authors
- By Eirik Gumeny
- Published
5 Ridiculous Ways Real Spies Got Caught
Thankfully, not everyone's a master of stealth, and so we managed to bring the following spies to justice, thanks to their bumbling incompetence.
- Authors
- By Ryan Menezes
- Published
55 Strange Facts About Famous Events From History
History contains a lot of stuff, but we don't know much about it.
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers, Ryan Menezes
- Published
American Soldiers Would Sometimes Risk Their Lives For Ice Cream (VIDEO)
Jordan Breeding of Cracked and Karl Smallwood of Fact Fiend head back to World War II to discuss how freaking obsessed Americans are with ice cream, how nuts the British go for tea, and how nobody really likes carrots. It's a history lesson, kids.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Jordan Breeding
- Published
13 Splendidly Fascinating Now-You-Know Facts About The British Royal Family
Her Majesty was so not amused, she hid in a bush to show it.
- Authors
- By Andrea Meno
- Published
13 Now-You-Know Facts About Planes, Trains, and...Ships
Cruise ships have a morbid side...
- Authors
- By Shea
- Published
5 Dubious Sounding Tricks People Are Claiming As Keys To Longer Life
We don't want to shuffle toward the embrace of death. There's simply too much to do.
- Authors
- By Justin Crockett
- Published
How A Crazy Celebrity Murder Trial Changed America's Jury System
It was like if Elon Musk shot Johnny Depp over Amber Heard in front of countless witnesses.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published