Movies & TV

6 Insane Fan Theories That Make Great Movies Better: Update
Greedo shot Lucas!
- Authors
- By Derek James
- Published
Evil Crime Syndicate: The Lower Rungs You Never See [CHART]
- Authors
- By Winston Rowntree
- Published
6 Life Saving Techniques From the Movies (That Can Kill You)
- Authors
- By Cezary Jan Strusiewicz
- Published
5 Gaping Plot Holes Hollywood Knows You Won't Notice
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
New Sherlock Holmes: Lethal Weapon 2 In Victorian Clothes
I half expected Watson to sigh at one point and mutter 'Two weeks out from retirement, and then psychotic freemasons try to kill parliament and reclaim America. I'm gettin' too old for this shit.'
- Authors
- By Bobby "Fatboy" Roberts
- Published
6 Movies With Uplifting Messages (That Can Kill You)
Believe in yourself and you can perform brain surgery!
- Authors
- By Cezary Jan Strusiewicz
- Published
6 TV Shows That Completely Lost Their Shit
The creators of these shows took them down in a blaze of batshit insane glory, and we were there to watch.
- Authors
- By Evan Hoovler
- Published
The 10 Most Baffling Action Figure Accessories of All Time
Christmas is the perfect time to disappoint your children.
- Authors
- By Ben Dennison
- Published
6 Lord of the Rings Characters Who Totally Dropped The Ball
In our never ending quest to expose fictional cinematic incompetence, we're going to take a hard look at characters from The Lord of the Rings trilogy who screwed the pooch at key moments.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
'Avatar' Is Horribly Written, Way Too Long, Totally Worth It
Until the last 40 minutes of Avatar, there's never been a James Cameron aerial battle, all swooping and banking and pew-pew in grand Lucasian style circa 1977. And then he does it, and it is fucking glorious to behold.
- Authors
- By Bobby "Fatboy" Roberts
- Published
5 Things Hollywood Reuses More Than Plots
It's a depressing notion for aspiring actors that they'll likely not make it in Hollywood. It's an even more depressing notion that a scream has a longer list of acting credits than they ever will.
- Authors
- By Dan Seitz
- Published
If 'New Moon' Was 10 Times Shorter and 100 Times More Honest
ROBERT PATTINSON: Don't worry Kristen, I will protect you by hurling you against a wall and into a glass table!
- Authors
- By The Editing Room
- Published
6 Hilarious Attempts at Brainwashing Kids With Comic Books
'My Spidey-sense is tingling... due to the awesomeness of OfficeMax!'
- Authors
- By Rohan Ramakrishnan
- Published
6 Mental Illness Myths Hollywood Wants You to Believe
Mental illness is one of those issues that not even smart people have a good grasp of. So we probably shouldn't be surprised that Hollywood's treatment of it is about as informed and respectful as showing up drunk to a stranger's funeral and crapping in the casket.
- Authors
- By Geoff Shakespeare
- Published
Agents of Cracked: A Daring Tale of Sex, Idiocy and Revenge
Michael and DOB take you on a guided tour of all thirteen groundbreaking episodes on one face melting page.
- Authors
- By Daniel O'Brien, Michael Swaim
- Published