Movies & TV

The 6 Most Inexplicable Cartoon Adaptations Ever
Sometimes it makes sense to spin-off a live-action property into a cartoon. But sometimes a TV show or character is dumped into the laps of some cartoon writers who are told, 'Just make up whatever pops into your head. Kids are stupid.'
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- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
5 Movie Characters Who Were Wildly Unqualified for Their Job
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- By Davidb Marchetti
- Published
6 Famously Terrible Movies That Were Almost Awesome
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- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
6 Beloved Characters That Had Undiagnosed Mental Illnesses
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- By Chris Radomile, Amanda Miller
- Published
The 5 Craziest Children's Cartoons from North Korea
Take a look at the most insane Saturday morning line-up in history courtesy of North Korea.
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- By Mark Hill
- Published
6 Movie and TV Universes That Overlap in Mind-blowing Ways
While odd fictional relations are nothing new, these are mind-blowing on a story-altering level.
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- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published
The 5 Most Insane Alternate Reality Games
ARGs are usually pretty crazy to begin with, but some of them go the extra mile. That extra, ultra-insane mile.
- Authors
- By Andrew Lang
- Published
The 14 Ways to Be Scared By a Mirror in Movies [CHART]
Oh no, look out behind you! Only it's not behind you! It is you! Or something!
- Authors
- By Dan Markowitz
- Published
5 Villains That Were Thinly-Veiled Versions of Real People
For those of you who've ever dreamed of turning your childhood enemies into objects of ridicule and hatred, with a side of jackass to boot, this list is for you.
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- By Bashir Mamow
- Published
10 Deleted Scenes That Would've Ruined The Film
Hollywood has trouble with doing the right thing, but the very existence of deleted scenes proves that they are capable of reigning things in and making good decisions. Still though, you have to wonder why they shot them in the first place.
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- By Marconi Rebus
- Published
5 Classic Movies That Seemed Like Terrible Ideas At The Time
When the checks were being written and not a single ticket had been sold, a lot of the biggest hits in Hollywood history sounded absolutely ridiculous in concept.
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski
- Published
6 Mind Blowing Ways 'Starship Troopers' Predicted the Future
We're not saying Paul Verhoeven traveled forward in time and then traveled back to film a commentary on a future war (because that would be an absolutely HORRIBLE waste of time travel), but... well, yeah, maybe we're saying he did that. Look how they line up:
- Authors
- By Andrew Gordon, Harm Nychus
- Published
5 Romantic Movie Gestures That Were Actually Dick Moves
If you sit and think about it, the real-world implications of some seemingly romantic gestures become so unsettling that they start to look about as romantic as an unsolicited boner text.
- Authors
- By Simon Bower , Megan B.
- Published