Movies & TV
15 In-Universe Facts About 'Star Wars'
At the height of its power, the Empire had more manpower than the entire continent of Africa.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Actors Who Had No Clue What Their Movie Was About
- Authors
- By Marina Reimann
- Published
Horrifying Twist Endings (That Happened IRL)
- Authors
- By Janel Comeau
- Published
27 Mind-Blowing TRUE Star Wars Behind The Scenes Stories
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
6 Famous Movie Scenes With Horrific Scientific Implications
If you hold movies to the laws of science, stuff gets dark FAST.
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- By Carolyn Burke
- Published
5 Christmas Movies You Never Realized Had Insane Messages
Spoiler alert: Whoville is utterly destroyed in a manner befitting Norse mythology.
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- By Adam Wears
- Published
25 Facepalm Movie Stereotypes
Just like everything else in Hollywood, even character archetypes are recycled at a disturbingly alarming rate.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
7 Insane Behind-The-Scenes Problems Recent Movies Dealt With
The new POTC movie was infiltrated by a real pirate. After making some threats, the man fled into the bushes, disgracing the honor of pirates everywhere.
- Authors
- By Jim Avery
- Published
20 Horrifying Scenes Cut From Famous Disney Movies
The real 'Little Mermaid' is a horrifically depressing story featuring witchcraft, rejection, and, oh yeah, Ariel has no soul.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Actors That Were Almost (Unbelievably) In Star Wars
Tupac would have been an ideal candidate for the CGI-saturated production, having previous experience acting opposite basically nothing.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
6 Horrifying Endings That 'True Story' Movies Left Out
Nothing more romantic than being kidnapped and dying young.
- Authors
- By Alyssa Feller
- Published
Unspoken Backstories For Huge Characters
Coma the Doof Warrior's mother would be so proud of him.
- Authors
- By Isaac Cabe
- Published
6 Shockingly Dumb Reasons People Invented Famous Characters
It turns out horrific inhuman monstrosities are way easier to draw than horses.
- Authors
- By B.T. Doran
- Published
13 Lies We Believe (Because Of Movies)
We all know Hollywood takes major liberties, but these discrepancies are particularly mind-boggling.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 WTF Star Wars Moments (You Totally Forgot Happened)
NPR turned R2-D2 into a cold-blooded murderer with C-3PO as his culpable witness.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published