Movies & TV
Reminder: Watchmen's Dr. Manhattan is a Creep
Please don't hex us, Alan Moore
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
Disney's A Bounty Hunter, Baby Yodas On Etsy Are Its Bounty
- Authors
- By Luis Prada
- Published
An Annoyed Todd Phillips Admits To ONE Easter Egg In 'Joker'
- Authors
- By Isaac Cabe
- Published
The Weird Porny Origin Story of DC Comics
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton
- Published
Sorry, But Ignoring Rose Tico Kind of Ruins 'Star Wars'
This is one creative decision that really sticks in our space-craw.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
Hey, Remember When Morbius had Buttholes in His Hands?
Eat your heart out, Cronenberg!
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
46 Films Have Made $1 Billion. Most Are Disney.
They should adapt Monopoly just to gloat.
- Authors
- By Luis Prada
- Published
Real Talk: 'Star Wars' Has A Weird Suicide Obsession
'Star Wars' heroes really, really like blowing themselves up.
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- By Mark Hill
- Published
Pop Culture That's Older Than It Seems
Break out the hipster glasses, because it’s time to appreciate some original, unknown versions.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
A Leaked Trevorrow 'Episode IX' Script Sounds Much Better
Colin Trevorrow's first stab at an Episode IX script was several parsecs ahead of what we actually got.
- Authors
- By Isaac Cabe
- Published
Study Claims That Going To The Movies Counts As Exercise
So now will you stop watching Disney+?
- Authors
- By Cedric Voets
- Published
The Secret Recipe For Making A 'Star Trek' Movie Work
How do we get the series back on track?
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
5 Places Ruined By The Movie That Filmed There
We're not sure if you've noticed this, but movie fans can get a little ... obsessive.
- Authors
- By Steven Assarian, Zanandi Botes, Jordan Breeding, Casper Orens, Jon Kaulay
- Published
18 Creators Who Hated Their Most Famous Work
Imagine being best-known for some stupid garbage you slapped together.
- Authors
- By Andrea Meno
- Published