Trey Parker’s Teenage Songs Are Straight Out of ‘South Park’

We can totally hear Eric Cartman sing about being in love with himself
Trey Parker’s Teenage Songs Are Straight Out of ‘South Park’

Long before Trey Parker would become famous for collaborating with Matt Stone on South Park, he was writing and recording some cheeky songs with his high school buddy Dave Goodman because what else were teenagers supposed to do in the 1980s? Parker and Goodman's 1987 cassette albumImmature (A Collection Of Love Ballads For The 80's Man), has been digitized and shared online for everyone's audio pleasure, and there is no doubt that a lot of these songs wouldn't seem out of place if they were to pop up in some random South Park episode today.

Take, for instance, this one called "I'm in Love With Myself," a song about whispering sweet nothings into your own ear because you're constantly salivating at the thought of puckering up and doing a solo performance with yourself.

Not only could we totally hear Eric Cartman or even Randy Marsh singing that song while licking their own faces in a mirror, but one could argue that the tune was an early draft of those hilariously inappropriate Jesus love songs Cartman would eventually unleash onto us all.

The very synth and extremely teenage album also features a song called "Twin Brothers in Love," which is a metaphor for two brothers who are twins and who desperately want to bang each other. That sentence alone sounds like the perfect South Park pitch.

Meanwhile, there's the track "Without Lips," where the two goofballs sing about what life must be like with no face lips, along with a song about a very dead ballerina. There's also the tune that starts off sounding like Elton John's "Song for Guy," before morphing into a Beatles-type ballad that has the duo singing about someone who sucks titled, "You Jerk." And the song that Jimmy Fallon once played on his show — much to Parker's own embarrassment — about spitting on love, and also on someone's poor dog for some reason.

Parker and Goodman sold these little tapes of tyranny for $5 a pop, which would be just over $13 today. According to Parker, he actually made $500 and was able to quit his job at Pizza Hut and move on to better things — proving that all it takes to make your dreams come true is dropping a bunch of songs about banging yourself or your sibling. This is how you achieve fame, folks. This is how you get to a place where the entire world ends up singing along to a song you wrote about a cartoon chef's chocolate salty balls.

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