How Did Evan Almighty Cost $175 Million And 14 More Comedies That Broke The Bank

Movies cost a lot of money to make. But how much money is too much money for a comedy? Here are 15 expensive movies that will make you say “I can’t afford rent, but I’m glad Dolittle was given $175 million dollars.”
Evan Almighty

Steve Carrell’s sequel to the smash-hit Bruce Almighty, Evan Almighty cost an estimated $175 million dollars to produce. One must assume that most of the budget went to finding and training two of every animal on earth.
Men In Black 3

Men In Black 3 cost a whopping $215 million dollars to produce, making it the most expensive of all three films. The first film in 1999 had a price tag of $90 million, and the second film was an even $140 million.

Happy Madison Productions
Adam Sandler’s video game movie that had audiences saying ”we could have done without this entry into the Sandler-verse,” cost $110 million to produce and market. How else are you going to be able to construct a giant man-eating Pac-Man?
Robert Downey Jr.'s departure from Iron Man in 2020’s Dolittle was a great way to prove he is way better at being Iron Man. The studio ended up spending $175 million dollars on the film only for it to barely get by at the box office. Sorry Bobby, but you’re no Rex Harrison.

Columbia Pictures
No superhero movies are allowed on the list! Unless of course, we’re counting non-Marvel/DC-wise-cracking anti-heroes, like Hancock. This film hit theaters before the real superhero craze of today but still was able to take a philosophical look at the hero psyche for the small price of $150 million dollars.
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
One look at Tim Burton’s Charlie and The Chocolate Factory will tell the viewer that this shoot was not cheap. There's more Oompa Loompas than you can carry, chocolate rivers, and an army of deadly squirrels for the princely sum of $150 million. The studio has all that money but still forced those old people to all sleep in the same bed.
Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian

1492 Pictures
Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian is the most expensive entry to the NATM series so far. At $150 million dollars, this budget blows the first out of the water, which only cost $110 million, and the third film cost a cool $127 million. Fun Fact: RENO 911 and The State alumni Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon wrote the first film!
Dark Shadows
Another Tim Burton/Johnny Depp project makes the list with 2012’s Dark Shadows. The $150 million dollar budget was put to good use with reviews like, “Even hardcore Burton apologists will have a difficult time defending Dark Shadows,” and “This is not so much a coherent movie as it is a long, expensive joke in search of a purpose."
Ghostbusters (2016)

Columbia Pictures
Let’s say you have a classic comedy with no problems that is still very much relatable today showcasing the best comedic minds of their generation. What if instead of writing a new premise you just took that movie and said “let’s do it again.” That appears to be the reasoning behind the 2016s Ghostbusters. While the movie isn’t terrible, it was certainly unnecessary, which makes its $144 million dollar price tag even more infuriating.
Fun With Dick And Jane (2005)
2005’s Fun With Dick And Jane, based on the 1977 film of the same name, follows an affluent couple who lose all their money and turn to a life of crime. Simple enough premise right? But when you attach a name like Jim Carrey, costs will rise. This simple premise ended up costing around $140 million, but at least it has a shining rating of 29% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Jumanji: The Next Level

Seven Bucks Productions
Kevin Hart small! The Rock big! What more could you want from an underwhelming mass-appeal multi-million dollar comedy? This sequel to the reimagining of the actually good film Jumanji cost a pretty penny at $125 million dollars. What’s your favorite line from the movie? Can’t remember any? Me either.
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Jim Carrey’s rendition of the cranky Dr. Seuss Christmas crook is one of the most impressive looking practically shot films in history in my opinion. Thanks to its $123 million dollar budget we were given the most unique Christmas movie to ever exist, with some of the heartiest laughs.
The Cat In The Hat

The film that single-handedly stopped the ongoing chain of live-action Dr. Seuss films, The Cat and The Hat was loved by some but hated by most (put me in the minority, baby). The 2003 flop had a $109 million dollar budget which is clear to see with all of its make-up, set design, and special effects. I will fight for justice for this widely hated movie until the die I die.
Stuart Little

Columbia Pictures
Training a small mouse to talk, let alone star in his own film would obviously be pretty expensive. I guess that explains the $109 million dollar budget for the original Stuart Little film. Not to mention, if you take a look back at the film, its acting, set design, costuming and cinematography are much more impressive than they need to be for a children’s movie.
The Hangover 3

Legendary Entertainment
Just as audiences were thinking “Alright, I think I’ve gotten the idea behind The Hangover, I really don’t need any more installments,” The Hangover 3 hit theaters. With a price tag of $103 million dollars and the success of the first two films, this addition to the series cost nearly $70 million more to make than the original.
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