Confederate Flag-Wielding Insurgent Surrenders, Surprise Surprise

In an absolutely shocking twist of events that literally no one, especially not the part of our nation's history where the south lost the Civil War, could have predicted, a rioter who carried a Confederate flag into the United States Capitol during last week's deadly attack has surrendered. On Thursday, Kevin Seefried and his son Hunter turned themselves to the U.S. Marshals office in Delaware, following in the footsteps of their racist-flag carrying, capitulating forefathers, NBC News reported.
Yet unlike Via Getty, a.k.a., Adam Johnson, a.k.a the lectern stealing rioter whose lawyers have even publicly admitted that nothing short of magic can exonerate their client, photo evidence isn't the only thing working against this father-son Maga minion duo as they await their day in court. Following their participation in the Capitol siege, Hunter bragged about the attack to a coworker, singlehandedly reviving the old viral adage of "weird flex, but ok," according to FBI documents obtained by Vice. in light of these events, the two have been charged with several crimes, including violent entry and depredation of government property, according to Washington D.C.'s Attorney's Office. Now, reader, I'm not one for committing crimes, but doesn't the first rule of Fight Club, "don't talk about Fight Club," also apply to committing federal offenses? Just wondering.
Anyways, legal woes aside, it seems the father-son team of traitors may have actually surpassed the south in terms of disrespecting the United States while partaking in last week's riots. During the Civil War, confederates never managed to bring their flag into the American Capitol, a disturbing revelation heavy with racist implications.
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"The Confederate flag made it deeper into Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, than it did during the Civil War," said William Blair, a history professor emeritus at Penn State and former director of the university's George and Ann Richards Civil War Era Center. "There is so much confusion about people who fly that flag," he told the New York Times earlier this week. "But even if they try to divorce slavery from it -- which you can't -- how do you justify waving the flag of a confederacy that tried to tear the country apart, then call yourself a patriot?"
Blair isn't alone -- New Jersey Senator, Cory Booker, also spoke out about just how disturbing it is to see a Confederate flag flying in our nation's Capitol. "Our democracy is wounded, and I saw it when I saw pictures of yet another insurgency of a flag of another group that tried to challenge our nation," Sen. Booker said. "I saw the flag of the Confederacy there. What will we do? How will we confront this shame? How will we confront this dark second time in American history?"
The question of how we'll remember these gut-wrenching days is something I've found myself asking consistently as I write about stories. How can we move forward? Can we use this moment of national heartbreak and conversation to build a better nation? While only time, and the collaborative efforts at unpacking, confronting painful truths, and rebuilding can answer these questions, there is only one thing I know for sure.
You have be a certified bozo to commit or verbally encourage acts of domestic terrorism against the United States, and an even bigger yahoo to throw tantrums because you went to jail for knowingly committing a felony.
Ugh. It's been a long week. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep for approximately 14 hours. What a decade this week and a half has been.
For more internet nonsense, follow Carly on Instagram @HuntressThompson_ and on Twitter @TennesAnyone.