Cracked Round-Up: Crippling Bowel Pain Edition

Dollar tacos are forged in the fires of hell itself. Our sphincters are shattered and our spirits are broken. Thanks, Jack In The Box!
Cody started us off this week with a slap in the face to the comments section. Next came Bucholz, with a nerdy article about video games, followed by another tale of drug use and property crime from Brockway. Seanbaby wrote about five mistakes TV executives made twice, while Soren filled in for Dan with a list of attorneys you should probably avoid.
![]() Proof once again that most of the gaming industry has no fucking clue what they are doing. |
Notable Comment:
"Welcome to the jiggily world of man boobs. "
Cloak is obviously talking about the upcoming Cracked pin-up calendar.
![]() Sadly, none of these easter eggs unlock the keys to a centuries-spanning conspiracy. Real life is so lame. |
Notable Comment:
MartyRotten asks, "I've noticed something else about Michaelangelo's David that doesn't quite fit. David, according to the Bible, was the king of Israel, and therefore a Jew. Why isn't he circ*mcized? "
Michaelangelo based David's penis off of his own.
![]() There is something fundamentally uncomfortable about a skinny, fit Chunk. |
Notable Comment:
Thanks for that, pharmmajor. Whatever it is.
![]() Wine tasters being full of shit makes us much more comfortable with our decision to buy it by the gallon. |
Notable Comment:
"There are some legitimately talented wine tasters. A certain fraction of the population are "supertasters", meaning that their sense of taste is much more acute than a normal person's. They can actually taste minute differences in the wine they drink. "
If no one else can taste the difference, JWVirden, than what is the point?
![]() Just because you're a vile, baby-murdering dictator doesn't mean you can't recognize a good idea when you hear it. |
Notable Comment:
"Why is allowing women to fight a "good thing?" Something like 20 million Russians died in WW2... it wasn't about feminism or equality or equal rights, it was about Russia needing more meat shields for the motherland."
We'll come clean with you, hatmanz. We have a fetish for girls with guns.
Cody Johnston
![]() Dammit, J.J.
![]() We're practically giving money away! Wait, not practically. Totally. We're totally giving away money to people, people with mediocre to decent Photoshop skills. People like you. Wouldn't you like to be a person like you? This week, you can be by entering our latest contest, Things That Will Not End Well
Thanks, eHarmony!
by CavalierX
Editor's pick:
They totally did it. You can tell by the smile on the droid's face. And the robot looks happy, too.
by Mothra24
I'd nail her.
by GaseousClay
Editor's pick:
You know what needs to be sexier? Crucifixions!
by Ceveron
"Robin, come here. I've designed a special costume for you to wear just around the Batcave."
by Julius_Goat
Editor's pick:
Holy Ankles, Batman! I may not be gay after all!
by Kamikaze Phoenix
Joseph promptly showed up at the Silver Surfers house to ask him a few questions...
by tsiegle
Editor's pick:
"Dammit, Mary! You dip the baby's SHOES in metal to preserve them! His SHOES! His SHOES!"
by Julius_Goat
Sadly, in his later years, Pooh had to resort to drugging honey to get some tail.
by liberalScum
Editor's pick:
He had removed his pants and she was still there, so far so good
by metsfan
Set phasers to fabulous, Mr. Sulu.
by jtklove
Editor's pick:
Shittiest cloaking device EVER.
by Mr.Excalibur
Apparently the chicken crossed the road to get some chemotherapy
by Ceveron
Editor's pick:
Your move, psychiatry
by oskhen