21 TV Shows That Were Cancelled Before They Had A Chance

There’s nothing we love more than writing about TV. Except maybe, writing about really, really terrible TV. The thing is, there’s good tv, there’s so-bad-it’s-good tv, and then there’s just plain awful television.
The fact is, A lot of hard work goes into developing an awful TV show. Think of all the writers, actors, and network execs who have to look at a human trafficking comedy, a reality show that endangers animals, or a television show about a mobile app and say "This is fine!" Frankly, even those might have been fine. We kind of draw the line at con-men sperm donors and rotting bodies inside of funeral homes though. We’ve got enough of those kinds of problems in our personal lives.
To be fair, they're not all turds, but the winners are even more infuriating. We could have had a '70s-style game show hosted by Fred Willard!
Here's a whole new batch of TV shows that never quite made it to air:

Good Grief

Maybe It’ll Get Promoted to a Reboot

Thick and Thin