21 Movie And TV Brilliant Foreshadowing Moments (That Get Missed)

The building blocks of stories include, but are not limited to: character arcs, interesting settings, compelling plots, and maybe a little foreshadowing to move that plot along. It's foreshadowing we want to focus on today. Foreshadowing is a tricky thing. Make it too obvious, and the audience will only roll their eyes when you finally get to the big reveal. But if you're too subtle, then nobody will notice and they won't appreciate how clever you are. And really, what's the point of writing movies and TV shows if nobody notices how clever you are? There's literally and Oscar and Emmy category for “Most Clever Writer In The Room” (don't fact-check that). Plus, if the twist isn't exactly clever enough, people won't write fawning list articles about you on comedy sites. And if you can't have that, then what's the point in living? Ask these folks, since they got it right.

Jurassic Park


Breaking Bad