15 Famous People With Impressive Parenting Skills

We give celebrities a pretty hard time around here sometimes. We can't turn a blind eye to all their ding-dong gaffs and silly pronouncements and terrible endorsements. Like, c’mon guys, think at little before you tweet/speak/IG whatever.
That said, we like to give credit where it’s due. Raising miniatures versions of oneself has always been the hardest job in the world. YouTube may have replaced Fred and Barney Meet the Shmoo as the go-to babysitter until that second cup of Saturday morning coffee kicks in, but parents today are as challenged as ever to screw up their creations as little as possible before sending them off into the world.
Add the pressure of the celebrity spotlight into the recipe and the end product can go from banana bread to bologna cake in an instant. We've shown you some pretty baffling celebrity parenting moments before. So we found a few awesome ones to balance our bakery case:

Garth Brooks

J.R.R. Tolkien