Inside The Inboxes of 15 Fictional Villains

They may not bitch about the boss (that's for the henchmen) or look at adorable pictures of kittens just to get through the day (not without making themselves hungry). But one thing they can't escape is an inbox that seems to fill up as quickly as they hit delete.
Inside The Inboxes of 15 Fictional Villains

Villains have to go into the office just like everyone else. They may not bitch about the boss (that's for the henchmen) or look at adorable pictures of kittens just to get through the day (not without making themselves hungry). But one thing they can't escape is an inbox that seems to fill up as quickly as they hit delete.

We asked you to take us inside the inboxes of some of our most beloved fictional villains. The winner is below, but first the runners up. FangMail - Cobra Industries C http:llcobra.commanderimailbox.fangmail.comlin mn Google Maps Cobra Industries You Tube - Fred(Hllarious) Ma
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We've all had our fuck-ups at work. But imagine how badly your life can go wrong if you're a superhero. Even minor mistakes can have huge-scale, hilariously disastrous consequences. And what about the smaller tasks that your powers somehow make more difficult? Show us in Photoshop. The best entry gets $50.

Post your entries in the contest thread. Winner gets $50.

If you'd like to see the entries from this week that didn't make it, see them here. Or, check out some 20 Moments That Would Have Improved Great Movies. And for pictures too strange to make up, but not too strange to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.

Got an idea for a future Cracked photoshop contest? Let us know.

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