
Soren Bowie

Soren is an American of some importance. He has amassed great wealth which is now in jeopardy. He is in need of persons with whom his family has no relationship. He seeks your cooperation and assistance in the transfer of 8,000,000.00 to your private bank account in Nigeria. To show his appreciation he will offer you 15% of the total sum including 20% of interest earned. Please treat this issue confidentially. Please send him your bank account number as well as a color photocopy of a Nigerian passport so he is certain you are a real resident. He waits to hear from you.

Hire Me to Bully Your Child! A Real Craigslist Ad

I know how important it is to you that your children feel confident and safe in every pursuit and passion of their young lives, and I am a firm believer that it takes a village. But let me be perfectly clear, I am offering none of that.


5 Lessons You Learn Growing Up Rich

I kept my eyes open through childhood and learned some valuable lessons that I want to pass on. These are the five most important things I gleaned growing up rich.


4 Hilariously Unexpected Feuds Between Fringe Groups

In the interest of understanding these communities and their crazy ideologies a little better, you have to first understand who they align themselves against, and in nearly every case, it's the people who share their convictions. I realize that's confusing, so let me show you what I mean.

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