
Soren Bowie

Soren is an American of some importance. He has amassed great wealth which is now in jeopardy. He is in need of persons with whom his family has no relationship. He seeks your cooperation and assistance in the transfer of 8,000,000.00 to your private bank account in Nigeria. To show his appreciation he will offer you 15% of the total sum including 20% of interest earned. Please treat this issue confidentially. Please send him your bank account number as well as a color photocopy of a Nigerian passport so he is certain you are a real resident. He waits to hear from you.

4 Directors Who Should Have Quit After Their First Movie

In the case of following four directors, they would have been better off creating one great movie and then bowing out of the spotlight forever. Instead, they insisted that the world keep watching as they committed cultural suicide, 90 painful minutes at a time.


5 Homemade Costume Ideas for Parents Who Hate Their Kids

In the next week, as you hear kids making greedy demands of their parents or whining about how many Snickers they should be allowed to have in a day, there's a good chance those awful children will end up in one of these suits of pure punishment.


What to Expect When Expecting (in the Village of the Damned)

The decision to start a family can be one of the scariest, but also one of the most rewarding choices you will ever make. And for those of you who had no choice at all because you were inseminated by an alien mist while you were unconscious at the local fair a month ago, you'll be giving birth no matter what, so try to make the most of it.


How Google Image Search Made Me a World-Famous Moron

I discovered recently that hundreds of websites all over the western world feature my face, pressed hard against the driver's side window of a Toyota Camry (Limited Edition), staring at a set of keys locked hopelessly inside.


The 5 Most Pointless Abilities People Love to Brag About

For every person with an extraordinary gift, there are whole knots of normal people mistaking their asinine quirks for significant abilities. They celebrate their meaningless talents loudly and often, trying to convince anyone who will listen that they are super.

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