Chris Rio
Twits: @TheChrisRio
I'm kickstarting a party card game! It's called Cheer Up! Get a FREE COPY at!
The 6 Least Useful Superhero Abilities in Comic Book History
When you're a comic book writer and your job depends on you churning out thousands and thousands of heroes and villains, you eventually get patently stupid ones.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published
6 Sci-Fi Technologies With Suspiciously Unaddressed Problems
There are some admittedly cool future advances presented to us by sci-fi movies that we hope never come to pass.
- Authors
- By Rohan Ramakrishnan, Chris Rio, Jack Hall
- Published
A Video Game Made by the NRA (That Explains a Lot)
We are all curious as to why the NRA sticks to this talking point so vehemently even though it's been disproved time and time again?
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published
5 New Space Projects Even More Awesome Than the Mars Rover
These projects each deserve their own double album of Steven Tyler's trademark imitation of a humpback whale's death knell.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio, Kier Harris
- Published
The 6 Most Certifiably Insane Acts of Writing
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. Like, really crazy.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio, Dustin Koski, Ben Denny, Sampsa Nuotio
- Published
5 Mind-Blowing Ways That Science Has Done the Impossible
Somewhere out there, scientists are still reaching for stuff that's so far above and beyond that it sounds like black magic.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published
10 Real Sea Creatures Lifted Directly from Your Nightmares
By now, you should know that our mission statement is 'Nature is terrifying and you should only leave the house if it's an emergency.'
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published
5 Inexplicably Creepy Episodes of Family Friendly TV Shows
Sometimes, the makers of these cartoons or sitcoms flip out and decide to create something nightmarish in an apparent 'screw you' to the audience. But what's surprising is that these episodes then get greenlit and air on national television.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published
The 5 Worst Marketing Ideas Ever Put into Action
Apparently, sometimes marketing people just show up to work drunk and hand over complete creative control to people who actively hate their company.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Chris Rio, Evan V. Symon , Jack Hall
- Published
6 Scientific Advances Courtesy of Reckless Self-Endangerment
It turns out that even science isn't always an exact science. There are plenty of white-coated professionals throughout history who spat in the face of empirical research and just injected themselves with shit to see what would happen.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published