13 Productions and Product Endorsements That Were Pretty Much Just an Excuse to Party

Imagine for a moment that you’re already a big enough influence in Hollywood that even your thoughts of partying it up with your pals gets the green light. Or another fun little dream scenario… You love Tequila. Like, a lot. You love it as much as one silver fox celebrity who drank 1,000 bottles per year. So like him, you start your own tequila company, and it makes a billion dollars. Okay, now the jealousy is kicking in, and we’re actually starting to hate these lucky devils.
Envy aside, on top of the self-gratification, these projects are actually pretty genius, because we do love watching people having a good time. The podcast industry’s meteoric rise is proof enough that we just love listening to people have a good time. Throw some famous faces and boozy beverages in the mix, and you’ve got yourself a hit. Whether the party planning was the catalyst, or everyone involved just happened to get into party mode, these 13 productions and endorsements were pretty much one big ol’ excuse to boogie down.
And people get all “concerned” when we day-drink. Pfft.

Look, I want a ton of vodka. Just not all those pesky additives.

Jim Belushi

What did you expect from a college party movie with John Belushi?

A clear excuse to sip coffee and shoot the shit with some of his best friends.

Clooney drank himself into a billion dollar business.

Just call it “method acting.”

Reality star hawks low-cal booze. Only in ‘Merica, baby!

Bob Dylan has sipped them all.

Sure, we guess Drinking Buddies could’ve used non-alcoholic beer.

Good on those boys. Skating while drunk is incredibly hard.

What a way to kick off the ‘80s.