30 Random Facts We Found in the Great Fact Library

30 Random Facts We Found in the Great Fact Library

Welcome to the Great Fact Library! Please take care to be gentle with the variety facts that youll find on display here, and do your best not to disturb any of the patrons while you rifle through our catalogue of options. Oh, theres no organization system or anything, we legit just took a bunch of boxes and dumped them out over the floor. If youre looking for somethings specific, thats not really what we do here. 

Still! There's some interesting stuff all around! Did you know, for example, that country stations banned a Garth Brooks song because it dared to imply that being gay is fine? Or that Lynyrd Skynyrd got their name making fun of someone from their youth? Or, more importantly, what kind of sandwich managed to get smuggled into space?

All this and more in the Great Fact Library…

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