27 Surprising Facts About Dinosaurs That Our 7 Year Old Nephew Already Knew

Big murder-lizards? We're in.
27 Surprising Facts About Dinosaurs That Our 7 Year Old Nephew Already Knew

Who doesn't love dinosaurs? Gigantic lizards that once roamed the very Earth that we walk on today, then completely vanished after Earth had an unfortunately timed encounter with a giant meteor? Sign us the hell up. As much as we love dinosaurs-- there's a good chance that your childhood bedroom was adorned with posters of T-Rexes or Stegosauruses, and your VHS collection included The Land Before Time, We're Back, or Jurassic Park-- What we actually know about the massive murder lizards seems to change year after year. 

Here's a big list of dinosaur facts that'll tickle your inner seven year old, tugging on the sleeve of your Uncle and bombarding him with every tidbit of information you could shove into your young brain about velociraptors and stegosauruses. You probably know all about the feathers at this point, but did you know that they probably didn't roar? That's just the tip of the dino iceberg!   

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