33 Random Facts Presented As Sacrifice to the Fact Dragon

Oh Fact Dragon, accept this sacri-fact-ifice!
33 Random Facts Presented As Sacrifice to the Fact Dragon

All of our grandmothers told us the story. A great dragon loomed over a mountain village and demanded that upon every moon, the people must come together and collect their coolest and most interesting fun facts about this, that or some other things. They dont need to be connected by any sort of theme or premise, beyond being a cool and interesting thing the dragon could potentially bust out during a dinner party, or whatever. If the dragon wasnt satisfied, he would make the village his lunch. 

Today, in honor of our ancestors, we present a new list of fun facts for the pleasure of the hungry Fact Dragon. We hope that he is bemused enough by them to spare our people for another couple of weeks. If you happen to learn something fun from this list in the mean time, all the better, but make no mistake, its primarily for the dragon! 

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