Tell Us Now: 19 Things That Actually Changed Someone's Mind

We asked Cracked readers on Facebook, “What’s something that you used to strongly believe but don’t anymore? What helped to change your mind?” We were pleasantly surprised by the insightful and thoughtful answers we received. (Seriously, we thought y’all would troll us!) Since our main takeaway was the way in which you were convinced to change your mind, not about the belief change itself, we didn’t include some other really interesting personal growth stories that people shared without specifics on who/what prompted them. But we read them and enjoyed them!
We noticed most answers fell in the following categories: personal experience, education, media, and listening to people with different backgrounds. We were surprised that even an angry comment from a stranger on the internet made it on the list! Even if you disagree with any of the following belief changes, you can still learn ways to persuade others. In an age of misinformation and propaganda, it’s important to know what are effective ways to share your beliefs.
A Mantra

Doing Research

Source: FTC
Meeting People from Other Countries

A Meme

Source: Snopes
A Movie

An Internet Argument

Switching Roles

A Bill

A Spouse's Teaching


Living the Struggle

Hearing About and Seeing Other People's Lived Experiences

Growing Up

Expanding Your Friend Group

A Patient Explanation

Comparing Your Experience to Others'

A New Job

A Decade of Experience

Meeting People of Different Backgrounds