17 Pro Wrestling Weapons to Use in A Bar Fight

Learn from the people who fight for a living.
17 Pro Wrestling Weapons to Use in A Bar Fight

You should never start a bar fight, but you damn well sure better end it. Sometimes conflict is unavoidable and diplomacy falls on deaf, drunk ears. You don’t carry a firearm, or a knife, or… well, any actual weapon that could help you. So where do you turn? To pro wrestling!

No one is more creative in creating a weapon out of the most random objects than a pro wrestler. Not even ninjas. You usually have to get a weapon from a special store, usually needing to wait for a background check. Pro wrestlers just have to go to Home Depot to prepare for their next rumble. Maybe we should take some notes from them in case we find ourselves in a bar fight surrounded by chairs, tables, or a salt shaker. Worst case, we could use our socks like Mankind.

In any case, here are some random items you can find around a bar or bring to a bar that could help you stay protected if things get hairy.

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