20 Facts About Our Favorite Movie And TV Aliens

They come from beyond the stars to hang out with us.
20 Facts About Our Favorite Movie And TV Aliens

Who is better and more interesting than humans? Aliens, that’s who. At least the aliens we made up with our human brains. Actual aliens could be less interesting, or have such different intellect or organs, or whatever that we possibly could never relate to them. I mean, you might love your plants, but you don’t play games or go on adventures with them, right? 

But enough sidebar stuff. The aliens we know and love from movies and TV are fun, scary, fun and scary, or just plain interesting. It’s fun to relearn human culture through their eyes, explore different ideas via their perspective, or just enjoy the visuals of them being 90% human but have tentacles for teeth. Whether it’s a fish-out-water story, working on a space crew, or just being a fun character to chuck at an otherwise normal show, aliens are cool. Full stop.

Here are some of our favorite aliens that hit your TV or movie screens.


Movie and TV Aliens Star Wars Chewbacca was inspired by George Lucas' dog. The dog lay next to Lucas as he was typing the first Star Wars script. Over time, the furry companion would bond with Han Solo just like Lucas with his pup. CRACKED.COM

Source: /Film


Movie and TV Aliens Teen Titans Starfire's co-creator never watched her on TV or film. It's not that the late George Perez hated Titans, Teen Titans Go! or any other show. Не just couldn't get past the visual differences with the look he created. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBR

Martian Manhunter

Movie and TV Aliens DC Comics Martian Manhunter shares a connection with Sailor Moon. In a comic, J'onn J'onzz goes undercover as a Japanese reporter named Hino Rei. Rei Hino happens to be the secret identity of Sailor Mars. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBR

Movie and TV Aliens Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Jadzia Dax is pansexual. According to actress Terry Farrell, Jadzia's romantic motivations are along the lines of, ...are you interesting to me and do I want to know more about you? rather than gender. CRACKED.COM


Movie and TV Aliens E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial E.T. is a mashup of a scientist, a poet, a novelist, a pug, and a baby. FX expert Carlos Rambaldi based the look of the extraterrestrial on Albert Einstein, Carl Sandburg, Ernest Hemingway, a pug, and a five-day-old infant. CRACKED.COM

Source: IMDb

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