17 Biblical Things (That Are Nowhere In The Bible)

There are a lot of things that people believe to be true about the Bible that is actually not backed up by the text. For example, many people believe that the Bible is an incredibly long book when in reality, it is only about 800 pages. People also believe that the Bible was written by a single author when in fact, it was written by multiple authors over the course of centuries. And perhaps most importantly, people tend to think of the Bible as a work of fiction when in reality, it is a collection of historical documents. While it is certainly possible that some of these beliefs are based on actual passages from the Bible, it is more likely that they are simply based on cultural assumptions. In any case, it is important to remember that the Bible is not a work of fiction; it is a historical document that should be interpreted in its proper context.
The Bible is, by far, the best-selling book of all time — but not the most read, if we go by what people know about it. Just like William Shakespeare’s plays, everyone talks about it, but most people’s knowledge comes from what others say (also, movies). It’s not surprising that a lot of that is wrong. Let’s just set the record straight about a few things.
Exodus from Egypt

More: Thou Shalt Maybe Kill: 5 Bible Facts Everyone Gets Wrong
Image: The Crossing of the Red Sea, by Nicolas Poussin (ca. 1634)
The Antichrist

More: 5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible
Image: Sermons and Deeds of the Antichrist, by Luca Signorelli (1501)
Mockery of Noah

Sources: Genesis 6, Genesis 7
Image: Noah Building the Ark, by Raphael
The Rapture

More: Thou Shalt Maybe Kill: 5 Bible Facts Everyone Gets Wrong
Image: The Last Judgment, by Jean Cousin the Younger (ca. 1585)
The Snake in the Garden of Eden

Source: Genesis 3
Image: The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man, by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Pieter Paul Rubens (ca. 1615)
Three Wise Men

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
Image: The Adoration of the Magi, by Abraham Broemaert (1624)
Jesus Birth

Source: Newsweek
Image: Nativity of Jesus, by Sandro Botticelli (ca. 1475)
The Devil

More: 5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible
Image: The Devil Presenting Saint Augustine with the Book of Vices, by Michael Pacher (15th century)
The Ten Commandments

More: Thou Shalt Maybe Kill: 5 Bible Facts Everyone Gets Wrong
Image: Moses with the Tables of the Law, by Guido Reni (ca. 1624)
Mary Magdalene

More: Bible 'Stories' Everyone Gets Wrong
Image: Mary Magdalene, by Andrea Ferrario (ca. 1524)
The Devil in Hell

More: 5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible
Image: Hell, by Hieronymus Bosch (1490)

More: Bible 'Stories' Everyone Gets Wrong
Image: An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory, by Ludovico Carracci (ca. 1610)
The Seven Deadly Sins

More: Bible 'Stories' Everyone Gets Wrong
Image: A Man Drinking, “Gluttony,” by Jacques de L’Ange (ca. 1642)
The Forbidden Apple

Source: Live Science
Image: The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man, by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Pieter Paul Rubens (ca. 1615)
The Holy Grail

More: 5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible
Image: The Damsel of the Sanct Grael, by Dante Gabriel Rosetti (1874)
Sodom and Gomorrah

More: Bible 'Stories' Everyone Gets Wrong
Image: The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, by John Martin (1852)

More: 5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible
Image: The Archangel Michael Defeats Satan, by Guido Reni (1635)