33 Surprising Movie and TV Firsts We Had No Clue About

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33 Surprising Movie and TV Firsts We Had No Clue About

Toilet flushes, pregnancy, husbands and wives sharing a bed — these are all things that we regularly see on TV and in movies today, but somebody had to do them first, often very controversially. The flush toilet was invented in 1596, but it wasn’t until the late 1800s that it started appearing in films. In 1901’s Cinderella, one of the first-ever animated films, the titular character is shown flushing a toilet, though this scene was cut from later versions of the film due to its controversial nature. Pregnancy was another taboo subject that was frequently censored in early films. It wasn’t until 1945’s Leave Her to Heaven that a pregnant woman was shown on-screen. The film caused such a stir that the Motion Picture Association of America introduced a new code limiting the depiction of pregnancy in films. 

AIong those lines, it might surprise you to learn about some of the surprising and little-known movies and TV firsts that we had no clue about. Whether it's a groundbreaking moment in cinema history or just a bizarre coincidence, read on for some interesting tidbits…

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