31 Crazy Ways People Reacted to Modern Technology and Traditions

If there’s one thing that humans can agree on, it’s that we absolutely hate change. But more than that, it’s the little things that peeve us. Our favorite deli closing, a long-running show we loved finally being pulled off the air. We like some semblance of consistency in our every inconsistent world. So, when massive changes come along and throw the comfortable, familiar parts of the status quo out the window, we’re left decrying it because it’s different. And if it’s different, it has to be worse, right?
No, not necessarily. Lots of the things we take for granted today were reacted to that way, but now we think, “Whoa there, calm down please.” Here are some reactions to common technology and traditions that seemed insane at the time they were invented…

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Going to the Movies

Tampon Lies


Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance

Source: 15 Modern Conveniences That Were Met With A Bizarre Amount Of Resistance