16 Celebs You May Be Surprised To Learn Are Already Slingin' Cannabis

Everywhere you look it seems like cannabis is all the rage. It’s an ancient drug that has seen a modern resurgence. We’ve written about surprising ways cannabis has taken the world by storm. We’ve covered the surprising increase in potency of modern strains of marijuana. We’ve talked about the innovative and surprising ways people are using marijuana to infuse other items. The thing is, cannabis has a long and bizarre history–we’ve written about that too.
It’s no surprise then that rich and famous are jumping on the cannabis bandwagon to, well, get even more rich, famous (and maybe a little high).
If you've got tendonitis, Brett Favre's got a CBD oil for that. If you feel like huffin' "the smell of SNL,” Jim Belushi's got ya covered. And if you want to experience the sensation of plucking crystaline Icelandic berries straight from the frost-covered vine, you know Sigur Rós has the gummy for you.
Got the munchies fo rmore? Scroll on down…

Source: Variety

Source: WhoopiAndMaya

Source: Forbes

Source: CelebStoner
Jim Belushi

Source: Belushi Farms
Magic Johnson

Source: Forbes

Source: Forbes

Source: NFL

Source: Sigur Ros

Source: Wilfred Cannabis

Source: Mendi

Source: Mirayo By Santana
Montel Williams

Source: Forbes
Don't Let These Facts Out Of Your Sight!

Source: Rolling Stone

Source: Canopy Growth

Source: Metro