35 Random Bits of Historical Trivia That Make Us Think Its Probably Best for A.I. to Take It From Here
We’ve had a weird run

After digging deep into the past, we have a sneaking suspicion that human history was all just one big fever dream. We can’t tell who this dreamer was, but they must’ve been watching some weird arthouse flick while dousing cheese in hot sauce right before bed. If we’re wrong, and this really is the best that humanity could come up with, then we’re open to a changing of the guard of sorts.
Someone (or something) with a more level head could make our future history a little more even-tempered, and that might be a nice change of pace.

Aztec Peanut Butter


Enrico Fermi


The Gold Rush

The Renaissance

Ancient Settlements

Strange Old Games

The Middle Ages

Source: Smithsonian
Maple Syrup

Ancient Discoveries

Nicholas Flamel

Source: BBC
King Herod

Roast Battles

Men’s Shoes

Bread Bowls

Source: British Library
Spider Webs

The Blind King

Ancient Advertising

The Hundred Years’ War


Purple Pigment

Iron Maidens

The Civil War

Ancient Greek Battles

Source: Scientific American
Egyptian Cats

Ancient Egypt

Female Artists

Ancient Greek Punishment

The Middle Attic


Ancient Sausage

Roman Death Sentences

Roman Slaves