Weird World

5 Reasons You Hated School (That You Were Right About)
Forget updating the textbooks. The entire system needs an overhaul.
- Authors
- By Wade Watney
- Published
8 Massive Disasters In Marketing No One Noticed
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson
- Published
6 Hilariously Blatant Episodes Of Greed And Corruption
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
5 Psychology 'Facts' You Believe (That Are Myths)
- Authors
- By Nathan Williams
- Published
5 Horrifying Things That Should Have Been Illegal Way Sooner
People apparently assumed that crime ceased to exist once you were five miles above the Earth, or that commercial aircraft were under the jurisdiction of Zeus, King of Olympus.
- Authors
- By Luke John Smith
- Published
The 5 Most Insane Things People Did To Avoid Being Late
Some people refuse to tell lies, or behave rationally, or do anything that wasn't 100 times worse than just being late for whatever it was they were late for.
- Authors
- By Richie Ryan, Chris Fox
- Published
6 Amazing Prizes That Sucked When They Read The Fine Print
Always read the fine print, unless you're into winning 5-ton paper weights.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
The 6 Most Unintentionally Horrifying Moments In Kids' Games
Many of the horrors of your childhood came from things designed specifically for children. We wonder if kids even knew they were playing nightmare fuel, or if they just rolled with it.
- Authors
- By Michael Kane, David Otto
- Published
5 Apocalyptic Chain Reactions (That Have Already Started)
If you like the fact that you're able to read this article on your smartphone, congratulations -- you and your damn space debris will kill us all.
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
5 Shockingly Lazy Ways Famous People Recycled Their Old Work
These people literally took their old work and tried to pass it off as new without changing a single thing.
- Authors
- By Tara Marie
- Published
The 5 Most Idiotic Attempts To Save A Life (That Worked)
Disclaimer: If you are currently suffering from an immediate life-threatening condition, note that we are not condoning doing anything stupid like these.
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas
- Published
6 Insanely Complicated Murder Plots (That Actually Happened)
These seem less like real crimes and more discarded plots from a John Grisham novel starring Rube Goldberg and his gang of drunk helper monkeys.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears
- Published
The 6 Most Ridiculous Things That Are Guarded Like Fort Knox
Everyone says Walt Disney being frozen is a hoax, but given what's locked up in the Disney Archives, we aren't so sure anymore.
- Authors
- By Tyler Roney
- Published
19 Statistics About Probability That Will Blow Your Mind
You'll probably be eaten by a shark way before you'll ever win the lottery.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Conspiracy Theories That Are Real (But Not How You Think)
It turns out there's some kind of conspiracy Inception going on meant to further specific goals through the spread of misinformation
- Authors
- By Gregory Maus
- Published