Movies & TV
If 'Eclipse' Was 10 Times Shorter And 100 Times More Honest
We sent Rod Hilton to check out the newest Twilight flick and summarize it for us. We hope you can forgive us someday, Rod.
- Authors
- By The Editing Room
- Published
Dreams: Inception vs. Reality [CHART]
- Authors
- By BRWombat
- Published
Evolution of the Public's Tolerance for Mel Gibson [CHART]
- Authors
- By Tim Babb
- Published
The 6 Saddest Attempts to Follow Up Pop Culture Classics
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published
Wonder Woman's Gritty Reboot: Explained [CHART]
Thanks for giving a shit, internet!
- Authors
- By Hans_Solo
- Published
Ireland's Only Kung Fu Movie (Is The Worst Film Ever Made)
Fatal Deviation is an ancient curse on the Irish people, passed on by a few VHS tapes like cinematic herpes until DVD technology re-released it on the world in exactly the same way archaeological digs re-release angry mummies.
- Authors
- By Luke McKinney
- Published
The Real Reason She's Making You Go See 'Eclipse' [GRAPH]
The reasons (both stated and unstated) you might find yourself in this unfortunate situation.
- Authors
- By Skinnymojo
- Published
6 Iconic Movie Leaders (Who Aren't Fit To Lead A Parade)
More often than not, the plan of straight-up kicking ass does not make you a great leader. Sending someone to bone your mom doesn't either.
- Authors
- By Rohan Ramakrishnan
- Published
7 Classic Disney Movies Based On R-Rated Stories
We can understand watering down a story to make it child-appropriate, but Disney didn't have any business adapting these tales in the first place.
- Authors
- By Claire G.
- Published
6 Reasons It's Time For Matthew McConaughey To Go Away
Why did Hollywood give so much influence to someone whose name can't ever be spelled correctly?
- Authors
- By Christina H
- Published
5 Ridiculous Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)
Those of us raised on the laws of Rambo and Red Dawn are totally boned.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans
- Published
The 5 Most Impractical Aspects of Superhero Costumes
Rocket hand makes each of the costumes that she is hired to wear at conventions. The amount of time she's spent making and wearing super hero costumes has given her unique insight into parts of a costumed crime fighter's life that you might have taken for granted.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
And You Thought Fast Zombies Were The Worst Kind... [COMIC]
Well that pretty much shoots my zombie contingency plan to hell.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik
- Published
15 Grossly Misleading Movie Posters
We understand that a movie poster maker really needs to sell the movie. Sometimes, though, they just go completely nuts and start making things up.
- Authors
- By Jack Mendoza
- Published