6 Family Circus Cartoons Improved with Offensive Jokes
A lot of people would save Abraham Lincoln if they had a time machine. Not me. I would let Lincoln die while I went back to the dawn of language and made sure

A year ago, I designed a robot whose only purpose was adding jokes to Family Circus cartoons. Most robotic engineers told me I was crazy. They said things like, "You're only taping a smile onto cancer," or "I knew this day would come -- my robots are penetrating me." But I didn't stop. Family Circus has been shitting in the mouth of comedy for 51 years and we need to fight back. That's where PG-13 comes in.
Grandma's Linguistic Misunderstanding

How One Word Can Change Everything

Spoiler Alert: The Punchline is Dartmouth

"How I Met Your Mother"? That Makes Me Think of How I Met Your Mother!

PG-13 Reaches Its Limit

Seanbaby invented being funny on the Internet. You can follow him on Twitter, face him on Facebook, or fall in love all over again on Seanbaby.com.For more Seanbaby, enjoy If Violent Video Games Really Got Banned, The Four Most Irresponsible Sex Books of All Time or 7 Super Powers Steven Seagal Actually Believes He Has