Let’s Try to Guess Colin Jost’s Three Least Favorite ‘SNL’ Hosts

We’re not ready to cross Scarlett Johansson off the list
Let’s Try to Guess Colin Jost’s Three Least Favorite ‘SNL’ Hosts

There’s a frequently asked questions section in Colin Jost’s 2020 autobiography, A Very Punchable Face, in which some anonymous fan asked, “Who was your least favorite host?” Jost answered with yet another query: “Why do random strangers think I will answer this question?”

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But at least Jost gave us a hint. “The actual truth is that I don’t have a least favorite host. I have three least favorite hosts because they were all so bad that I can’t pick just one,” he revealed. “And if you can correctly guess all three, I’ll send you a personally autographed SNL T-shirt worth approximately three dollars less than a non-autographed SNL T-shirt.”

Challenge accepted! Let’s try to figure out who Jost’s least favorite hosts are. Unfortunately, he’s been with the show since 2005 (starting as a writer only) so there are a lot of duds to choose from. Here are some educated guesses on likely candidates…

Lance Armstrong (2005)

Here’s a Jost story about the blood-doper: “Sometimes a host is just challenging to write for and you have no idea how to use them effectively. Like when Lance Armstrong hosted (before he was a villain), I pitched him an idea where he would do a public service announcement that his yellow Livestrong bracelets actually cause wrist cancer. He said, and I quote, ‘No fucking way, dude.’ And then I had zero more ideas!”  

Scarlett Johansson (2010)

So standoffish!

Justin Bieber (2013)

Bieber doesn’t get a mention in Very Punchable Face, but Jost’s castmates make no bones about how they felt about the singer.

“Everybody wants to know worst (host),” said Bill Hader on What What Happens Live.

“We both know, dog, responded Jay Pharoah.

“Yeah,” agreed Hader. “It was Bieber.”

Donald Trump (2015)

“The Trump episode would be the most surreal week I ever experienced at SNL,” Jost wrote in his memoir. But surreal wasn’t the worst of it. “It’s a really, really bad episode. And it’s not because of Donald Trump’s politics — it’s because of Donald Trump’s acting and his comedic instincts,” Jost went on to explain.

And while Jost might have the face of a Republican, he actually asked SNL viewers not to vote for Trump in 2020.

Russell Crowe (2016)

Speaking about Trump, Jost said, “There have certainly been other hosts who left with way worse reputations.” He refused to name names, but gave us this hint: “Their initials are R.C., and then after the R is an ‘ussell,’ and after the C is a ‘rowe.’

Saoirse Ronan (2017)

Jost had to spend an entire week trying to pronounce Saoirse.

Those are the candidates — so who do I think made the final three? I’m going to skip the obvious Trump guess and go with Crowe, Bieber and Armstrong. Colin, if I nailed it, please send my medium T-shirt to Cracked World Headquarters. They know where to find me. 

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