30 Famous People in History Whose True Stories Left Us Flabbergasted

Just when you think you know famous historical figures...
30 Famous People in History Whose True Stories Left Us Flabbergasted

History has a way of unraveling in winding ways. Its presented one way as fact, and then we find out years later that, hold up, it didnt exactly go down that way. After all, as they say, “History is written by the victors.”

And this isn’t really surprising, when you think about it. The people in power want you to believe a certain narrative because surprise, surprise, they come out looking great when it’s spun up that way. Good job, rotten person — way to fix it up so that you’re not a war criminal, you’re just an honest-to-goodness patriot. Tell that to the tribunal. Or not.

But as we’re all acutely aware, sometimes the truth is more complicated than whatever has been cooked up to cover for it, more strange and more shocking than we could have imagined. Read on to discover the absolutely jaw-dropping tales of 30 famous people from our past…

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