Link From 'Zelda' Is Actually A Monster, Here’s The Proof

Most gamers can agree on at least two things: Link is one of the greatest heroes of all time and Navi, his fairy friend (assistant?), is just annoying as heck. But is that really all there is to it? The devs themselves seemingly disagree, so we probably should check that one out. For the longest time in The Legend Of Zelda series, Link has been aided not just by Navi, but also by other fairies that he keeps in various bottles. Seems weird, but maybe Link keeps them there because they have agreed to join him but are scared of getting squished between his strong buttocks. That's a really smart arrangement, but, believe it or not, probably also a total lie. Before the release of Wind Waker, all fairies in the Zelda series looked like this:

In Wind Waker, however, a game that ironically had the most child-friendly look in the entire series, bottled fairies looked like this:

What the hell is this? Were they merely caught by Link, a devil in video-game-hero clothes, or were they tricked to enter the bottle by Navi, a fairy who specializes in hunting her kind? And are these two alone in this dark operation, or is there someone else involved – someone no one would suspect?

Wise readers might point out that to get our energy back we can instead consume grandma's soup, but we only get that after giving the grandma a bottled fairy, so yeah, grandma's likely turning these poor creatures into soup. This is all but a theory, sure, but it's not the first time we get credible proof that one of Nintendo's greatest heroes could be the villain.
Top Image: Nintendo