5 Former Stars Who Are Back In The News For Weirdo Reasons

Fame is a drug, and when it fades, the pain of withdrawal can be vicious. But there's always a way back. Whether through luck, hard work, or sheer desperation, former stars constantly find ways to return to the limelight. Some soak it up and thrive, while others stumble around in it for a minute, vomit, and then pratfall back into the shadows of obscurity. We'll focus on the latter ...
Megan Fox's "Archaeology" Documentary
It's been so long since we've seen Megan Fox in a movie that you may have forgotten her face (you definitely forgot her acting). But Fox has finally returned to the screen ... as a documentarian?
Turns out Fox is quite interested in history (she did call Michael Bay "Hitler" that one time), and now hosts her own nonfiction archaeological series called Legends Of The Lost With Megan Fox. Premiering in 2018, the show follows a globetrotting Fox in her best Indiana-Jones-by-way-of-Forever-21 outfit, bending over artifacts while esteemed historians try not to let their eyes wander.
According to Fox, she's always been a scholar of both archaeology and paleontology. And to her, that includes believing in aliens, leprechauns, Bigfoot, and the Ark of the Covenant. This might explain why the show also posits theories about how America was once inhabited by giants, or how Stonehenge is one big healing crystal. But despite the show being aimed at history neophytes, yeti believers, and people stuck at an airport Marriott, Fox gives the best performance of her career, bringing an enthusiasm to learning about fake history that she never quite mustered for pretending she was into Shia LaBeouf.
Related: The 5 Most Desperate Attempts By Celebrities To Stay Famous
Corey Feldman Claimed He Was Stabbed By A Mysterious Gang
They say it's better to live fast and die young, but there's no worse poster child for that mantra than former Lost Boy Corey Feldman, who's been dying young for about 30 years. So it wasn't surprising that he recently wound up in a hospital. But the story of how he got there was a little tough to swallow.
In March of 2018, Feldman tweeted a picture of himself in what appeared to be a hospital bed with the all-caps announcement that he was "ATTACKED 2NITE." He wrote that he had been stabbed in the gut, likely by his longtime nemeses the "WOLFPACK." The LAPD was already treating it as an attempted homicide. But while his fans flooded Feldman with well-wishes (seriously?), many others wanted answers to questions. Questions like "Is this real?" and "Since when do they allow vaping in hospitals?"
It turns out there were a lot of holes in Feldman's story, and none in Feldman himself. When contacted, the LAPD stated that there were "no lacerations to Mr. Feldman's abdomen," and that they had no suspects, no weapon, and no proof whatsoever that an actual attack had been committed. Refusing to let it go, Feldman decided to provide said proof by posting an Instagram pic of the knife wound. Or a mosquito bite. It's hard to tell.