Top Picks 06.30.2010: Troy McClure One-Liners and Buddy Cops

Some of the best stuff from around the web and the Mirth Canal.
06.30.2010A Troy McClure Conglomerate:
A history in buddy cop movies:
Bros Icing Movies:
10 Horror(ific) Early Movie Roles:
The 20 Best Athlete Outbursts of All Time:
Combining booze and cake? Buy this cook book now!:
Motivational Posters: Star Wars Edition:
Daniel Tosh gets iced, hilarity ensues:
The Funniest Sex Education Posters Of All Time:
Wax On, Fuck Off:
Michael Jackson Tributes Won't Stop Til Fans Get Enough:
The Top 50 Comic Book Movies:
Guy Talk: How to merge sex with television:
Stranger Than Fiction
Woman arrested after stopping to pick up a "stray" raccoon:
Thanks to Truthiness in the Mirth Canal.
Apparently Gilbert Gottfried has been playing us all for fools:
Thanks to David Wong in the Mirth Canal.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Over 3,000 words on what seat belts are.
Submitted by Truthiness in the Mirth Canal.
Have a #TwitPick? Follow us on Twitter, let us know and we'll post it on Friday. And make sure to become our fan on Facebook.
These are the fossils we'll leave behind:
Your ultimate fitness guide for the zombie apocalypse:
The Most Ridiculous How-To Books of All Time:
10 Most Embarrassing Father Moments:
Haters Ghana Hate:
World Cup Players Need Acting Lessons:
10 Great Scenes From Horrible Movies:
Hot Girls of Facebook Up in Arms About Privacy:
Party Invitations Through Life:
Christmas has come early for Hipsters:
The 25 Funniest Sports Photobombs of all time:
9 Celebrities Who Skipped Out On the Bill:
The 30 Hottest Fictional Sports Babes:
Stranger Than Fiction
Couple Tries to Sell Baby for $25 Outside of Wal-Mart:
Thanks to Mister Fahrenheit in the Mirth Canal.
Apparently this six-year-old girl is a threat to national security:
Thanks to Handofevil in the Mirth Canal.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Unwinnable occurrences.
Submitted by Johnien in the Mirth Canal.
Have a #TwitPick? Follow us on Twitter, let us know and we'll post it on Friday. And make sure to become our fan on Facebook.
Your nightmares are very real:
If scientists won't build us a time machine, the least they could do was give us some Save Points:
The 10 Maddest Fictional Doctors of All Time:
14 videos of dipshits walking into glass doors:
10 Actors In Need of a Comeback:
The 10 Most Ridiculous XXX Reality TV Parodies:
The Stupidest Women's Products Ever Invented:
IT guys are assholes even on their business cards:
Peeps will seriously ruin your day:
We never thought there'd be such thing as too many Truffle Shuffles:
25 Miley Cyrus Photos We Aren't Supposed to Look At: is not responsible for the FBI busting down your door.
Celebrities as zombies:
10 athletes who made the jump to modeling:
Looks like Kanye West might actually be good for something:
To Reach Afghans, Pentagon Drafts Mimes, Storytellers, Wizard of Oz:
Thanks to @louiebaur.
Opening up an iPhone never looked so cool:
Thanks to @buzzedition.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Do you really need 5,000 words to explain Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Submitted by Remington in the Mirth Canal.
Have a #TwitPick? Follow us on Twitter, let us know and we'll post it on Friday. And make sure to become our fan on Facebook
The Most WTF Cookbooks of All Time:
This octopus is putting all the Vegas betters to shame:
Guys, if you want a chick to touch you, just play some Lionel Richie:
10 Hot Chicks Packing Heat:
Marissa Miller gives us 10 reasons to ride a motorcycle. If she's an advocate, we don't even need one:
How the Movie Rating System Actually Works:
Shia LaBeouf Movies That Should Also Not Be Made:
A brief guide to boogers:
Ladies and gentlemen, your national mustache champion:
10 Possible Tiger Woods Porn Spin Offs:
Betty White has some tips on how to score that (much) older woman:
If there was ever a perfect way to get knocked out, surely this is it:
Stranger Than Fiction
Traveler attacked by monkeys while on tour to cure phobia of monkeys:
Thanks to College Binary in the Mirth Canal.
Update Facebook and Tweet from beyond the grave:
Thanks to Ace Justice, Private Eye in the Mirth Canal.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: The bandana code is not what you think it is.
Submitted by palorbear in the Mirth Canal.
Have a #TwitPick? Follow us on Twitter, let us know and we'll post it on Friday. And make sure to become our fan on Facebook.
The Creation of Mario:
8 Rejected Toys from Toy Story 3:
The 17 Most Awesome Rubik's Cube Creations Of All Time:
New game: Amateur Surgeon 2:
31 Hilarious Photobombs:
Awesome dancing robots:
Something to make you care about the World Cup: The hottest fans and WAGs of Group B:
Massive Flow Of Bullshit Continues To Gush From BP Head:
The Greatest Super Mario Beat Boxer Ever:
13 TV Characters You Love Despite Their Glaring Flaws:
The 20 Hottest Female Celebrity Golfers:
Photo of the day:
Stranger Than Fiction
"Goatse Security claims gaping hole in iPad user's data":
Thanks to Sanchez in the Mirth Canal.
Sea turtle finds camera, records itself:
Thanks to Bunnyhearts in the Mirth Canal.
The Vatican loves the Blue Brothers apparently:
Thanks to Murphy2112 in the Mirth Canal.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: A far too detailed breakdown of the etymology of OK. And there still isn't an answer.
Submitted by Strangehoney in the Mirth Canal.
Have a #TwitPick? Follow us on Twitter, let us know and we'll post it on Friday. And make sure to become our fan on Facebook.
TGIF: These GIFs is Funny:
X-Ray Pin-Ups explains why the ending of Jason and the Argonauts turned us on:
The 10 Lamest Sports Video Games of All Time:
"Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?":
The best sign on the World Cup:
New Collective Nouns for Social Groups:
Funny Unintentional Porn (SFW):
Mania Picks: Our 10 Favorite Pixar Films:
The 10 Hottest Weather Girls of All Time:
The Funniest Vuvuzela Pics:
A shout out to Sookie? You're breaking our hearts, Snoop:
5 Ways Serial Killers Can Help You Pick Up Women:
View life through the eyes of a transient couchsurfer:
Toy Story meets The Wire:
Thanks to @scottmeaney.
Can BP tweet its way to a better image?:
Thanks to @nprnews.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: The 1960/61 Saturday morning television schedule. Seriously?
Submitted by alarmblip in the Mirth Canal.
Have a #TwitPick? Follow us on Twitter, let us know and we'll post it on Friday. And make sure to become our fan on Facebook.
The most important pie charts you'll ever study:
The 6 People to Avoid This Summer:
If Movies Were Made With Their Original Casts:
10 Fictional Corporations You'd Never Want to Work For:
Top 10 Samuel L. Jackson Speeches:
George Carlin on nature:
When They Were Young: Comedians Before They Were Stars:
When is it legal to masturbate in public?:
Saved By The Bell tackles the oil spill:
25 Hilariously Photoshopped Athletes:
Dating advice for nerds, geeks and losers:
Stranger Than Fiction
Student attacks Hells Angels with a puppy:
Thanks to facefault in the Mirth Canal.
52-year-old California man carrying pistol, dagger and 40-inch sword detained in Pakistan while hunting for Osama bin Laden:
Thanks to stressbunny in the Mirth Canal.
A sign of things to come for Ohio football? Touchdown Jesus struck by lightning:
Thanks to Mark Anferny in the Mirth Canal.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Disappointingly, creamy snuff is not what you think it is.
Submitted Quagmarin the Mirth Canal.
The 20 Saddest IMDB Profiles Of All Time:
The Best Visual Jabs To Come From The Oil Spill:
10 Handicapped Heroes Who Kick Ass:
The 10 Catchiest Tunes On
The anatomy of a Twinkie:
Products we could've used decades ago:
The 8 Biggest Divas in Hollywood:
Vote this man for next Oprah:
Thanks to EUCJ in the Mirth Canal.
The 10 Most Distracting Sounds in Sports:
Animals being cooler than the Fonz:
Photos of a raid on a Mexican drug lord's home. Still doesn't compare to Cracked HQ:
Thanks to Eternal Grogan in the Mirth Canal.
It's early but we're declaring this the best World Cup Photoshop of 2010:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Murderers ranked by how many people they offed.
Submitted by palorbaer in the Mirth Canal.
The World Cup has begun. Stay up to date on all the latest news with
And head on over to our forums and join the conversation
29 awesome vintage celebrity photos:
Warning: World Cup may negatively affect your bowels:
The breakfast of champions (who want to die young):
11 Soccer Players Who Look Like Monsters:
13 Douchiest Movie Bullies:
The key to taking a penalty kick:
The 10 Greatest Moments In Celebrity Boob Grabbing History:
ESPN's World Cup murals are majestic, hilarious and borderline offensive:
The Top 10 Ladies Men in Sports:
A recall of the most hilarious Zidane headbutt GIFs:
Mexican's take their masks very seriously:
Soccer fans are insane:
Gentlemen, finally an excuse to wear pantyhose: It helps protect you from jellyfish:
World Cup refs are take course on English curse words:
Thanks to @espn.
Ebert says Karate Kid remake is worthy; crane kicks Macchio, our childhood:
Thanks to @ebertchicago.
Blackhawks win, bandwagoners rejoice, the rest of the world goes on not caring:
Thanks to @GuyKawasaki.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Who are Gorgoroth and why do they have a 4,000+ word page about their band name?
Submitted by Murphy2112 in the Mirth Canal.
Is Mortal Kombat getting a reboot?:
The world's most expensive home theater:
The best homemade costume ever:
Top 10 Male Bonding Video Games:
Summer School Classes for Surviving a Summer at Home:
Why Is That Gun There? The Most Ridiculous Firearm Owners Ever:
Who wins in the Lakers Girls/Celtics Dancers match-up?:
10 Comic Strips, Besides Marmanduke, That Should Not Be Made Into Movies:
The 20 Most Ironic BP Signs:
Your "Awww" pic of the day:
AS News: Cereal Shenanigans:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Product placement in Seinfeld.
Submitted by Truthiness in the Mirth Canal.
Summer Camp Brochures Cut The B.S.:
The 11 Funniest Unintentionally-Sexual Signs Of All Time:
How about some awesome GIFs to start your week?:
Porn star kills other porn star with samurai sword, is tasered and jumps off a cliff. You can't make this shit up:
Thanks to The Hulk in the Mirth Canal.
9 Celebs Who Fancy Themselves Fine Artists:
The 50 Greatest Sports Songs of All Time:
14 Summer Games to Stay Inside For:
The 10 Best Cheerleader Movies of All Time:
Facebook cheating wars = Your entertainment:
American Idol is taken way too seriously:
Great Moments in Film: Ray Liotta:
Should we like Tom Cruise again after the MTV Movie Awards?:
How do you make the Dr. Who theme way more awesome? You play it with lightning:
Thanks to Disco Stu in the Mirth Canal.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: The origin of those plastic party horns that will drive you insane during the World Cup.
Submitted by Quagmar in the Mirth Canal.
Highway Billboards Are Getting Way Too Erotic:
The real meanings behind 9 national flags:
A Detailed Account Of The Greatest Sorority Party Ever:
New game: Amateur Surgeon 2:
30 Female Celebrities Grabbing Their Own Boobs:
How a man should react to pregnancy according to women:
10 Questions Facing the Men's U.S. World Cup Team:
9 Other Directors Who Could Direct The Hobbit:
World's best birthday surprise on a bus:
Facts about orgasms (#1: They can be induced by things other than video game babes):
10 Movie Drinking Games That Will Kill You:
Question: What's worse than an oil slick? Answer: A Radioactive one:
The Movie Maven is heating things up with her summer movie picks:
A new twist in the David Carradine Story:
Thanks to @humordistrict.
The Daily Show just got a whole lot hotter:
Thanks to @screenjunkies.
That Steve Martin is a class act:
Thanks to @worldgraffiti.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Every instrumental performed by Rush, ever.
Submitted by Murphy2112 in the Mirth Canal.
Sitcoms Are Actually Depressing:
An actual hoverboard?! SHIT!:
Awesome Darth Vader Helmets:
The Best Vintage Photobombs of All Time:
24 photos of awesome, pure and unadulterated nostalgia:
A Los Angeles Lakers Haters Guide:
The 10 Hottest Athletes Who Kind of Suck at Sports:
Top 10 Low-Status Games:
5 People Who Zigged When They Should Have Zagged:
Whiskers will not let you in:
Top 10 Adult Swim Shootouts:
Cigarettes are more cancer-y than previously thought:
Action Girl Wendy will BUST this case wide open (NSFW):
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: An all too detailed insight into something no one gives a shit about anymore: the political views of Rage Against the Machine.
Submitted by Truthiness in the Mirth Canal.
The best quotes from Caddyshack:
The future of fastfood:
The Worst Adult Films Ever Made:
Videogame University: The New Class:
Spot the Company IT Guy:
You're looking at a person dressed as a dog:
20 Hottest Hockey WAGs:
100 Signs You're a Bad Parent:
10 Brilliant Foreign Sci-Fi Movies:
10 Best Summertime Moments on
Shocking: United States not first in meat consumption:
Study suggests gamers experience more pleasant dreams, such as having a girlfriend:
The 50 Hottest Victoria's Secret Bikini Photos:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Illeism, sadly, is not about who the sickest rapper alive is.
Submitted by Quagmar in the Mirth Canal.