6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money

Right now, a flying car is being developed for consumer use. So start robbing all the banks you can now.
6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money

Nothing puts me in the holiday spirit like shotgunning cheap wine to wash down a fistful of Paxil while looking up outrageously extravagant gifts that cost more than my entire life is worth. Maybe it's slightly masochistic, but I truly find entertainment in the mega-expensive gifts that are only being purchased by the nouveau riche, lottery winners, or anyone who has suddenly found themselves thrust into a real-life version of Brewster's Millions.

So I did some digging and found some of the most insane gifts you can actually buy someone this year for Christmas -- or whatever other day on which you're desperately trying to purchase someone's love and affection.

Throw Out The First Pitch At A Baseball Game

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Flibirigit/Wiki Commons

Throwing out the first pitch in a ballgame is a time-honored tradition usually designated for VIPs like presidents, celebrities, or dying children whose last wish is to make your day at the ballpark as sad as humanly possible. But if you have a couple thousand dollars just lying around and taking up space -- like, maybe you're Tony Montana or something -- then you can gift someone the chance to publicly embarrass themselves by pathetically tossing one off the pitcher's mound. Just like an important person!

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The News-Herald

Or more likely, not even close to the pitcher's mound.

There is a catch (that pun is absolutely intended -- you don't own me). First, opening day is not an option. Second, it's for the Detroit Tigers, who are indisputably one of the crappiest teams in MLB history. Yes, I know they've had a few good seasons in their lifetime, but that's more likely thanks to the infinite monkey theorem than anything intentional.

Which is exactly why they are one of the few (if not the only) baseball teams that have ceremonial first pitch slots up for grabs. Because really, not even a Z-list former reality show cast member is booking that crappy gig. I'm actually surprised there isn't an option to just become an active member of their starting lineup.

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money
Major League Baseball

You couldn't possibly do worse.

Even though baseball isn't really working out for Detroit, at least they still have that whole automobile industry ... wait, never mind.

Tickets To An A-List Oscar Party

Tommaso Boddi/WireImage/Getty Images

Have a movie mega-fan on your gift list? Or maybe just a mega-starfucker? Drop some beaucoup bucks and let them party like an A-lister. Depending on your budget, you can purchase a ticket to the hottest parties in Los Angeles on awards night. For $1,490, treat someone to tickets to Night of 100 Stars, where they can saddle up to aging celebs like Jon Voight, and listen to him reminisce about his decades-old Oscar win or how he was totally snubbed for his brilliant fight scene in The Karate Dog.

But why cheap out when tickets to watch Harvey Weinstein verbally berate and/or sexually harass an up-and-coming starlet only cost $4,990? That C-list blonde television actress could very well be the next proud owner of a defunct lifestyle website thanks to her couch time with one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, and your bud will have been there to witness history in the making. Totally worth the price of admission.

The baller move, though, is plopping down 60 Gs for a table of 10 to attend Sir Elton John's infamous star-studded extravaganza. That's right, for $59,990, you can be a real-life Vincent Chase, and you and those loser hanger-ons you call friends can rub elbows with the rich and famous. Or you could be a selfish prick and spend that same amount to treat yo' self to a ticket to Vanity Fair's swanky shindig. Any of these are sure to top some lame-ass Oscar party with chocolate statues and cheesy swag bags you purchased from Oriental Trading Company.

Michael Kovac/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

The memories of why you can't pay your rent for the next 10 years will live forever.

A ManServant For The Sad Single In Your Life

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money
Man Servants

We all know at least one person who spends their holiday answering a barrage of obnoxious questions from some judgmental family member who wants to know when they'll finally settle down and start a family before their ovaries have completely dried up. Apparently, SOME people don't think pets count as children. Whatever. My horse is my life, even if my ex-landlord is suing me for keeping it in the apartment.

Normally, said sad single would spend this time of year in some type of chemically-induced haze to help numb them from dealing with their family's crushing disappointment about their life decisions and inability to find the perfect man. Or at least, that's what I hear happens. But not this year! Why not make your single friend's life a little brighter by gifting them with the most doting, ideal man ever -- a.k.a. the ManServant?

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money
Man Servants

You can eat all those cakes right in front of him, and he'll simply compliment you on your exquisite chewing style.

These aren't your typical Craigslist male escorts we're talking about. These studs are actual classy gentlemen that are custom-tailored to your friend's tastes and emotional needs. You choose everything, from his looks to his clothes to his personality type, and you even name him. It's like having a Lego set made out of meat! Sadly, an in-person ManServant is only available in California and New York City, but you can still give the gift of love over social media with their #Instalover. Sure, it's a little Catfishy, but we all know that real love is measured in Instagram likes and #hashtags.

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money
Man Servant

This is totally how Alfred keeps Batman going during those late-night Joker hunts.

I was going to order one myself and have him fix my sink, but then I realized that I'd get the same service by just calling a plumber.

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money

A Hover Golf Cart

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money

Two things are fundamentally true about golf: Rich people love it, and it's boring as shit. Normally, I wouldn't ever think there is anything golf-related that would make a cool gift. But then I saw this badass hover golf cart. Yes, it really is as cool as it sounds. How is this not the official golf cart of the PGA?! More importantly, why isn't this street legal and the official car of the world? Probably because it costs $58,000. Still.

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money
Neoteric Hovercraft

You could buy 83 of these, or just one diamond-encrusted Trevita. Your choice.

Not only would hovercrafting through water hazards and hydroplaning across finely-manicured courses make watching golf 2,000 times more interesting, but it could also completely revolutionize the game. If every player had one of these, they could play bumper carts between holes. This is easily the greatest thing to hit the golf course since Rodney Dangerfield's tricked-out bag in Caddyshack.

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money

The commentators would be too busy wetting themselves to even think about whispering.

Imagine the looks on your friends' faces when you step out of your apartment and saddle yourself in the seat of that bad boy. At first, they'd make fun of you for having such a wussy ride ... and this is a rare case in which we'd want them to. Because once you hit that switch and that beast rises up nine inches from the ground, their "holy shit" expressions would be worth every damn penny. At that point, you'd just float away while giving them the finger and never breaking eye contact, pedestrians be damned.

A Flying Car

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money

When I was little, I lived on a healthy diet of Hanna-Barbera cartoons. I'll admit, I've been patiently waiting for everything in The Jetsons to become reality. So imagine how fucking STOKED I was when I saw that someone finally made a flying car! Can your fancy-ass electric car fly, Elon Musk? Does it go 200 miles per hour? Didn't think so.

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money

Version Two should absolutely include the ability to fold that thing into a briefcase.

While Elon is busy trying to get his shit together with Falcon 9, a company called Terrafugia is focusing on making our flying car dreams come true. Right now, they're still in the early stages of development, so you can't do more than reserve a model. But if you have the cash -- specifically, $279,000 -- why WOULDN'T you? The company claims that their cars will be safer than traditional automobiles, and that learning to fly one would take way less time than learning to fly an actual aircraft.

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Getting used to the price of jet fuel, however, might take some time.

Imagine pulling up to a first date in a flying car. If that doesn't get you laid, then nothing will. Or a cop flips the cherries and tells you to pull over. Whatever, dude. I'm flipping my own switch and hoping I'm not near a military no-fly zone. Let's see you finish this chase.

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money

"You can give me a ticket when pigs fly!"

Though I suppose all they'd have to do is track down the one person in a 2,000-mile radius who bought a flying car and just meet them at their house later. Hey, I'm not saying there aren't kinks that still need to be worked out.

A Balloon Ride Into Space

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money
World View Enterprises

This gift sounds equal parts amazing and terrifying. What do you give the person who has everything in the world? How about a view of the world? The World View Experience carries six passengers 20 miles above Earth in a capsule attached to a giant-ass balloon, because life is now a cartoon.

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money
World View Enterprises

Up 2: Up Harder.

After floating into the heavens for four hours, they get to hang out in space for about two hours, where they'll get crunk off the free minibar and nosh on light refreshments while gazing down on the rest of us. And of course this fancy space capsule includes social media access, because what's the goddamn point of flying 100,000 feet above the planet if you can't post selfies with #blessed all over Instagram and Facebook?

6 Insanely Awesome Gifts For People With Way Too Much Money
World View Enterprises


Once the trip is over, the pilot releases helium from the giant balloon and sends the pod crashing ... er, slowly descending safely back onto this shithole that you paid $75,000 to escape. If I had the money, I think I'd pay to do that, but only if they let me throw shit out of the pod. Like those guys you can rent to be your fake boyfriend.

Put down the knitting needles and read 5 Weird Psychological Dangers of Giving People Gifts before you ruin any more relationships with your ugly holiday sweaters. And if you need any more convincing to not buy novelty gifts, read The 7 Worst Gifts People Seem To Give Every Christmas.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn how to up your awkward gift-giving in The 4 Most Insulting TV Ads You See Every Christmas, and watch other videos you won't see on the site!

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