The 16 Most Horrific Non-Horror TV And Movie Deaths

“There are only two certainties in life: death and taxes.” -Everyone You Ever Met In life, we all die, and some of us unfortunately and horrifically. We know, on some level, that it's coming. What we don't know, unless we're clairvoyant, is the how.
Movies and TV also deal with death, but they know the how. Everything is planned out to the max. But it’s interesting in that when it comes to on-screen deaths, dramas and comedies have an edge over horror flicks in one key area: like The French, they have the element of surprise.
Breaking Bad snuck up on us with Gus Fring's gruesome final moments, Game of Thrones elicited one million physical cringes with the sudden demise of Oberyn Martell, even Maude Flanders' off-screen death in The Simpsons was an eyebrow-raising moment of brutality.
Here are a few of the all-time goriest, most horrifying deaths outside of the horror arena:

127 Hours