25 Hidden Details And Secret Stories From Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

It’s one of our favorite indie films–filled with quirky charm and an excellent homage to a fun comic series, Scott Pilgrim has inspired a lot of writing. We’ve covered how much Torono has changed since the filming of the original movie. We’ve talked about the weird ways the movie diverged from the comic. We’ve written about some of the insane details in the movie you probably didn’t even notice.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, based on the graphic novels by Canadian artist Bryan Lee O'Malley, and directed by Edgar Wright, just turned 10 years old. On one hand, it's a beloved cult classic that reimagined the comic book movie, the video game movie, and the twenty-something hipster movie. On the other, it's the reason we have Ready Player One. So we guess, it’s sort of a mixed legacy?
10 years on, this film is still a veritable playground for fans of video games, live music, graphic novels, and a million other niche fandoms. Here's a look at some of the bonkers details and behind-the-scenes coincidences you may not have noticed, even after a decade:

Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World