Fictional Characters Who Were Adapted Into Oblivion For Movies And Television

There's no such thing as the perfect transition from novel to movie, but some characters are molded more gracefully than others. Like, we can all agree that Mos Def's portrayal of Ford Prefect in the 2005 Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy was an absolutely perfect take on what everyone previously assumed was an alien pretending to be British, but let's be serious: as much fun as it was to watch Robert Downey, Jr. bare-knuckle box a giant (probably alien) British guy, it's not like bare-knuckle boxing is the first thing with which upon we associate Sherlock Holmes.
Every once in a while, the author of the source material will praise the treatment of their character. More often than not, superfans will spend their precious time on this earth nitpicking inconsistencies. Sometimes the best course is to delete a character altogether, and hope no one notices.
Here's a collection of all of the above: